BreastScreen VIC trial results - 3D mammos have significantly higher cancer detection rate than 2D



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Came to this discussion late but my surgeon sends me to 3D as a matter of course.  I don't know if this is the case for all his patients ( @Romla ?) or if it's because mine was ILC so difficult to detect but I think that shows his preference, regardless.
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    I find it very interesting that BreastScreen NSW encourages women with implants to have mammograms.
    My plastic surgeon forbade me from having mammograms after one of my implants was burst during a routine mammogram at radiology rooms.
    My 39 year old niece has just had her first mammogram. 
    I have never used BreastScreen NSW. 
  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    Peter Mac in Melbourne has 3D which is where i go as my surgeon also works out of there. Though i have to say mine was picked up with 2D through breastscreen vic though I've been told i won't be going back to them even after the all clear time. I'll keep having them at PM. Like you @arpie Currently waiting for 2 year results, tomorrow is r day. Feeling a bit jumpy as was called back in for second lot of scans.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    All the best for your results, @Artferret - we are both hopeful of an all clear!  I hope to find out tomorrow too. xx

  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @Sister our mutual surgeon also sends me for 3D mammograms at St Andrews.

     I remember he was not happy 12 months/ more ago when I had a 2D one at another hospital as I couldn’t access a 3D one and needed an urgent look as had an inverted nipple ( all clear btw).

    I was told by the technician at my recent mammogram that 3D machines need less pressure ( a blessing) and I know they are preferable for dense breast ( which I don’t have). I think he prefers the accuracy of the 3D machine and possibly the team that perform the mammograms as well as the the pathologist that provides a diagnosis.

    Btw I am also ILC which could also explain why he prefers a 3D machine.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    They were very thorough at St Andrews and lovely, when I went last year.  They had to call me back in for an ultrasound and I was already planning how to tell everyone the worst news. The doctor reviewing the results realised how shaken I was and came out afterwards to explain that Breastscreen hadn't sent them my films from diagnosis as a baseline so they just wanted to be absolutely sure.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Understand the fear as took lengthy time for doctor to review my results - I did not know they were busy and short staffed so started to feel the fear too.
  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    @arpie i got the all clear today, hope you did too. The extra scans were just an overzealous radiologist looking into it more than what was surgeon's words, not mine.
    Though my surgeon also made an interesting comment about in a few years time they won't operate for low risk dcis, it will just be monitored,  bit like thinking whether an early stage patient really needs radiation.
    As for the 3D scanning machines not needing to press so firmly, i don't know about that! My technician had it down really firm due to my dense breasts, she kept asking me, are you ok and I'm like, yeah not a problem! I've never found them painful.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    edited October 2019
    Still waiting for mine @Artferret - I had to ring the radiology dept at Port Macquarie & ask where they are - as they had forgotten to send them thru to my GP ... and my Onc and my surgeon who'd been ''CC'd'' on the referral.  They only sent them to my Rad Onc - and I don't see her for another 2 weeks now (was supposed to be Monday!)   grrr 

    I think I like that you had an over zealous radiologist - and I don't think I'd be too happy with having low risk DCIS just 'monitored' if it were me! ...... I wonder if THEY would be happy with that being said if it was THEM!  I think not!   Our first reaction is always to 'get it out'!

    Yes, my 3D was also 'pretty firm' on the boob as well!!  I winced & did the 'ouch' at least once!  I have had painful ones in the past too.

    Hope to hear tomorrow about the results!