Lymph node status



  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    My blood tests never showed cancer. Ultrasound on lymph nodes showed no involvement. After mastectomy and sentinel node was tested, it showed positive so a full clearance of all nodes was done but none of them showed positive.
  • Lane
    Lane Member Posts: 25
    Thanks  @Brenda5.  It's a shame that so many people have to lose lymph nodes which are perfectly ok. If only the surgeons could put them back when they find out they're clear!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Lymph node transplant is a thing! Still early stages yet and results are pretty variable. Of course current treatment uses lymph nodes from elsewhere in the body not the ones removed in an axillary clearance, but if it improves, who knows? So far, it seems only worth considering if you have considerable swelling/pain/difficulty of movement - looong procedure, costly and not guaranteed - but worth watching. 
  • Sydney
    Sydney Member Posts: 4 New Member
    I had 6 lymph node removed when i had the mastectomy those lymph node shows blue on the sentinel. On the initial test its all negative but further test shows 1 lymph node has cancer but very small. My doctor said I don’t need to have another surger.
  • Lane
    Lane Member Posts: 25
    That's good that you don't need more surgery @Sydney