Feeling overwhelmed and anxious



  • kamada
    kamada Member Posts: 70
    Hi @LucyLou_71! Your treatment schedule is similar to mine. My diagnosis was Gr 3 Stage 1a E+ her2+. I had lumpectomy, SN biopsy and my MO wanted me to have a port put in before chemo started because he said with my schedule they would “run out of veins”. I am up for 3x3 weekly FEC then 9 x weekly Taxol with herceptin (17 x 3 weekly) starting the same time. Will also have 6 weeks of radiation and to top it off hormone therapy. He hasn’t mentioned using injections for herceptin though  Anyway I had the port put in the day before chemo started (had a little break booked before BC madness started and wasn’t going to miss it!) and it was fine just a little sore for a few days but no big deal really. I am happy I did it because my veins have not done too well with blood tests lately for the first time ever. I had first FEC 12 days ago and am doing well though dreading losing my hair in the next week. A little aside - the MO wrote my treatment as FEC-T and my son thinks it is so appropriate to say it with a strong  Irish accent.  I have to agree. 😂 Hope you don’t find the chemo too arduous! Good luck xx
  • LucyLou_71
    LucyLou_71 Member Posts: 10
    Hi @kamada
    thanks for your sharing - I have my Port booked to be put in on Thursday with my first chemo the following Monday.  I feel better for having made the decision to have the Port.  Good luck with the rest of your treatment. Xx
  • MattyBoy
    MattyBoy Member Posts: 10
    Hi ladies, good to read all of your comments. I too have been told I need a port and was feeling anxious till I read this feed.  Feel better now, thanks 👍
  • Mahaica
    Mahaica Member Posts: 26
    I have a port and no problems so far I am having Taxol at the moment.
  • MattyBoy
    MattyBoy Member Posts: 10
    I had port put in last week, put in under general anesthetic by my Surgeon.  Was too swollen to use this chemo (5 days after insertion), hopefully will be all good for weekly Taxol starting Monday week.  Looking all of the pretty bruised colours in the area atm.  I was also apprehensive on getting it put in, but veins were collapsing and can only use one arm so not many options.  I can feel it in place, and its taking some mind over matter atm.  

  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    @MattyBoy. I resisted getting a port through 15 lots of Paclitaxel. I only agreed to having one inserted when I  knew that I  could have it done locally, by a surgeon who had operated on me previously.
    It is the best thing that I  could have done. 
    I have my weekly bloods via my port. I had the infusion for my latest CT scan through my port. I will be on I.V. chemo. indefinitely, so my poor arm is spared.
    I have not had any issues with the port. It certainly does not hurt like my arm used to.

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