Triple Negative - persistent cancer cells after mastectomy.

Member Posts: 4 ✭
Hello 👋
I am currently in hospital after having a double mastectomy, axillary clearance & reconstruction. The operation was quite a bit more intense than I imagined, so it’s thrown me around a bit. I’m coming good though after 7 days in hospital.
The disappointing part is the pathology results.. Obviously I was hoping for a complete pathalogical response, but unfortunately there are persistent cancer cells. All of the lymph nodes which were removed had cancer cells present & the actual breast cancer itself had doubled in size & is a bit of a creeper rather than a contained tumour. I am disappointed to say the least.
My surgeon has suggested we move radiotherapy forward by a few weeks & then look into immunotherapy.
My question to you guys is, has anyone else been in this position? What did you do moving forward? Any helpful tips? Diet ideas?
Im feeling a bit naked in the rain..
I am currently in hospital after having a double mastectomy, axillary clearance & reconstruction. The operation was quite a bit more intense than I imagined, so it’s thrown me around a bit. I’m coming good though after 7 days in hospital.
The disappointing part is the pathology results.. Obviously I was hoping for a complete pathalogical response, but unfortunately there are persistent cancer cells. All of the lymph nodes which were removed had cancer cells present & the actual breast cancer itself had doubled in size & is a bit of a creeper rather than a contained tumour. I am disappointed to say the least.
My surgeon has suggested we move radiotherapy forward by a few weeks & then look into immunotherapy.
My question to you guys is, has anyone else been in this position? What did you do moving forward? Any helpful tips? Diet ideas?
Im feeling a bit naked in the rain..
Hi, @Rainbowkitten. I'm taking it from your reaction to the results that you had neoadjuvant chemo? I'm really sorry to hear your results, but I do have some idea of how you feel. Although not tripple negative, my only response to neoadjuvant chemo was a reduction in the proliferation of the the tumour. I remember how gutted I felt. On the flip side for me, with a hormone receptor positive tumour, I've now been on hormone suprression forover 3 years.
I think you take the advice of your surgeon, have a good talk to your medical oncologist about immunotherapy, and maybe see if there are any clinical trials around.
Diet wise, a healthy, balanced diet, and exercise.
I wish i had more to offer, advice wise
The other thing I would strongly recommend, is finding a good counsellor/ psychologist to talk to, preferably someone with a knowledge of cancer. If you have a Breast care nurse, ask for recommendations.
Happy to talk any time
Take care
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Thanks @lrb_03
yes, I just finished by 5 months of neoadjuvant chemo. I had a scan at about 2 months in & the breast cancer had shrunk to half the size, and the lymph nodes were shrinking. So these recent results were quite a shock.
Thanks so much for sharing your similar journey. It makes me feel less alone in this. How are you feeling 3 years down the track? And thanks for the other advice. This helps as its hard not to spin out so much that you can’t think straight!
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hi Rainbowkitten do you have facebook?
there is a great TNBC group on there which I am part of the ladies are all lovely and we are a closed group.3 -
Hi Rainbowkitten, I am also TNBC.
I was diagnosed in October 2018 in left breast picked up on a two yearly mammogram. No breast cancer in family, so came as a real shock to say the least.
Had a partial mastectomy and two sentinel nodes removed in December 2018, came back with clear margins and clear lymph nodes.
Started dense dose A/C early February for 8 weeks every fortnight, wow what a roller coaster ride.
During an admission to hospital with neutropenia a CT scan was ordered to check chest for infections. No infection but they noticed that one of the lymph nodes was swollen under left armpit ( same side)
Had an ultrasound, aspiration of lymph node, only to be told that the lymph node had some cancer cells in them.
Specialists have advised to continue treatment as planned, I’m currently on week 8 of 12 pactlitaxel infusions.
Once chemotherapy is completed I am then booked in for a full auxiliary clearance under the left armpit.
Just letting you know that I understand how disappointed you are, as I have felt that way also.
We can only listen to what our team of specialists say as they deal with this everyday.
Keep chatting to other people and talk about things that bother you.
Talking to a therapist that understands cancer is a good thing also.
Meditation is great for anxiety, make sure that you get good night sleeps, if not I would recommend that you talk to your GP and get something to help.
I agree with Soldiercrab regarding TNBC on Facebook, on there you will be talking to other people with the same diagnosis.
We all need the support and understanding of other people who know exactly what you are going through, emotionally and physically.
This disease is such a roller coaster ride.
If you want to chat anytime I’m here for you.
You can pm me privately.
Sending gentle hugs your way xx6 -
Thanks @SoldierCrab - I joined that & it’s very helpful! 👍
Thanks for sharing your journey @Shellshocked2018_ it is such a mission!! Not dissimilar, what we have gone through, just a different order. Exact same chemo - heavy duty! You are nearly there tho! 🙌
Great advice. Thanks so much! I am feeling a bit more positive today, so onward & upward! Gotta keep fighting!! 💪💪💪 xo2 -
Rainbowkitten WE CAN DO THIS !
Sending cyber hugs your way xx2