Newbie - and finding it hard to go back to work



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    All the best with your change in work direction @Rose ... what town/city do you live in?  You never know - someone may know of a job going that might just suit you down to the ground!  

    Welcome to the Blog, @Julied - lots of support here for everyone - feel free to tell us of your own BC Story and how you came to find us .... 

    We also have a few 'funnies' sections, if you need a laugh .... feel free to add any of your own!  ;) 
  • rose
    rose Member Posts: 34
    Hi Julie

    Welcome to this forum! And thanks for your thoughts.

    Yes, I had thought about disability insurance - problem is, I'm fit for work! For which I should be grateful, I know...I also worked in the public service for a very long time before making the jump to academia. First day back at work after a holiday, and there's very little I like about it. I can see long hours stretching ahead again, trying to balance work pressures and a constant fear of being made redundant if I don't deliver, with trying to carve out some time for myself...sigh...

    Not the best day, topped off by the radiotherapists putting my appointment back 45 mins but not bothering to tell me, so sitting around waiting, feeling like a piece of meat. I do find radiotherapy very dehumanising, even with my own dressing gown. 

    Arpie, I'm in Canberra.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    @Rose - we have a few  members in & around Canberra ...... are you into Fishing at all?  I know there is a dedicated Fly Fishing course/weekend that is dedicated to BC Survivors ..... you could apply to give that a go .... usually at no cost to you (including  all gear!)

    Oh dear - is is SO annoying when you aren't informed of changes in dates/times of treatment ..... I remember sitting in the Xray Dept in Sydney Royal North Shore Hosp from 8am to 3.30pm for an essential scan for my husband's Stomach Cancer surgery 2 days later ...... the surgery couldn't go ahead without it - and I'd been told it was booked - but it wasn't!  (AND had driven 4hrs to get there!)  grrr

    Take care, all the best xx
  • Smurfee
    Smurfee Member Posts: 9
    I was told that a lot of women work through radiotherapy... personally, once it started I was quite zonked.  I went back for 3 3 hour shifts in between surgery and radiotherapy, but found it quite draining.  I did not sleep well with the Nerve pain under my arm, and was just generally tired. I also got a bit weary of 'keeping people up to date', though I did enjoy visits.  My radiotherapy finished in November, after which there was a hectic Christmas, and I found that I had lost a lot of fitness, eventuating with a sore back.  The physio I work for has now obtained a standing desk for me and I work only 3 to 4 hours at this stage.  The appointment times for radiotherapy were not sensibly agreeable to working either.  Put yourself first.