Should soy products be avoided for estrogen + cancer
@Zoffiel @Vangirl I don't care what I eat as long as it tastes good. Can't come at tofu, something about the blandness and the texture. Made a North African-ish vegetable stew tonight which was delicious. New recipe, a keeper. Tomorrow it's tandoori chicken. And on Friday they can all sort themselves out 'cos the cook doesn't work on Fridays. She eats baked beans on toast or somesuch and ignores the whinging as best as she can5
Tofu is on the menu tonight. Not quite sure how I will cook it yet but it will have a nice salad on the side2
Hi @Vangirl, my friends call me a 'Chegan' , a cheating vegan (!) as sometimes I crave a piece of fish and can't be bothered asking for no cheese on a veggie pizza! My naturopath advised to limit soy milk ( I drink almond really aint that bad!
) and I eat tofu about once a fortnight, but try to avoid soy protein isolate which is difficult as it is ,unfortunately, in most processed food, even vegie and vegan products. Good luck with it all!
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@Vangirl Fish in batter was my 'go to' during chemo, and I wasn't turned off it afterwards either. It was funny too, speaking to a relative's boyfriend who underwent chemo when he was a vegetarian, also craved fatty fish and lived on McDonalds 'filet o fish'
Taste buds are weird!
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@poodlejules I completely went off fruit and vegetables during chemo and am only just starting to enjoy them again now (1 month post chemo). I lived off pizza, icecream and chips.
I put on 7 or 8 kilos but in my defence I'm building my new boob as I'm having a DIEP flap reconstruction!4 -
Hahaha , a bit of crazy logic there
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My 13yo went through aaperiod of being a flexitarian so it all makes sense to me!0
I was vegan but ate whatever I wanted during chemo.0
Being in a remote town almond milk has been intermittent to get as a coffee when out hence my reading about soy. Most places have that. I do though get almond milk icecream which is much nicer than soy. I very much miss my dairy but since eliminating it mostly now I know I'm lactose intolerant it has been life changing.0
@primek, I started making my own with this gadget: Shouted myself for Christmas last year.
It works out a little cheaper than full priced almond milk from the supermarket and without all the additives and thickeners. If you can source almonds where you are, it could work for you .You can then use the almond pulp for slices and cakes, I even thickened soups with it this winter1 -
@Kiwi Angelgood thing I'm not vegan or I'm fairly sure I'd be obliged to report you to some sort of higher authority for that!
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@Vangirl it was very strange my body just craved crap like hamburgers and KFC so I let I have whatever it wanted so considering the crap it was going through. Healthier again now but still have an aversion to some foods I ate during chemo. Good thing u aren’t the vegan police2