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Friend diagnosed with Met BC ... not offered biopsy



  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Such a sad time for your friend and her family.  Having a son suffering with depression for at least 5 years (and 2 suicide attempts) I understand how they don't see it as a temporary problem, but an awful enduring illness with no hope of improvement.. I live in hope he finds happiness eventually but so far it's eluding him despite best efforts. He was such a happy child and adolescence changed his brain chemistry not for the better.

    Glad to hear your friend is having the biopsy. She will at least know she is on right treatment. And bony mets...are very treatable (but can be very painful ...obviously)
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    Good news ... my buddy is coping better just now - and apparently, with the medication she is on - her condition has stabilised & she is not in pain - so that is TERRIFIC!!  

    She'll be having another MRI & other tests to reconfirm everything - but right now, things are looking better for her, just now.  I am SO happy for her & her family!