


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    Hi the ex-med program isn't near me either so it involves a 3 hour turnaround. Hopefully you'll find something. There's a pincandsteel program that might be worth looking at
    @soldiercrab brought it up in a different post 

  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @gurneys I taught for 37 years .I don’t think if teaching is your vocation a career change is the way . When we are young teachers with idealism , energy and no responsibilities we could indeed bleed ourselves for our students but then we get older , have families and things must change. We also have laid a strong foundation in our careers through experience and are more effective/efficient in our subjects as well as classroom management.We are no less committ3d to our career / subjects/students but now maybe manage time better .Its important for our sanity and our private lives that we step back a little to open a space for ourselves and our personal lives in fact it becomes demanded of us . You seem at that crossroad where changes are still being made which have now had overlaidwith  the breast cancer diagnosis. Reach out to others eg family /friends /work colleagues and talk it thru with them and see what options there are to lighten your load to give you a bit of me time.People on here will help in some ways tooeven give you a space to vent when you need to. You have the capacity to think thru this problem yourself also to customise it to your situation and you have that time now at the start as it is a whirlwind when treatment begins. It needs getting past the shock and tiredness to find a path thru and you can do it.It needs prioritising YOU   and accepting that priority for without it all else falls over. I do get it believe me. xo