Treatment, hysterectomy, mastectomy, and now an emotional mess!



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Interesting @sister.

    Currently pathetically attempting to fend the bandicoots off with a wobbly stick. I'm finding this weekend a challenge with my immobility & everyone else's delightful activity. Exercise not advisable or possible today but will have a bash at meditation. Thanks for the reminder @SoldierCrab.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,441
    do you have any Mediation Cds or on IPOD 

    You can find some on Youtube 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited March 2018
    @SoldierCrab I have an app on my phone, Headspace, I like it.  I have some cds too but cd player is under the house somewhere and it's beyond me to find it at the mo. I'll check out You Tube. Do you have a favourite there?
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hi there  @TripleTea.
    I would think since at least 3 weeks following your hysterectomy you should be able to doing walking. Certainly that is no issue with expanders in. If your scars are completely healed up you could also do some pool exercises. Maybe not swimming or aquafit yet but certainly walking and doing yout post op exercises in the water will assist you to regain your strength. The fabulous thing with exercise is it really helps our mental health.

    Doing some mindfulness techniques and practising slowing your breath can also help when you are feeling panicky or stressed. Practising the breathing outside those times means you can do them easily when it happens. Try downloading some apps (free) and see which you like. one. Smiling minds is another and also Minshift. All have assisted relaxation info on them.

    With diagnosis comes all the fear and we just go into the fight of saving our life. Shifting from that to being a survivor is hard. We all fear recurrence. It's  normal. If it preoccupies your to someone about that. I think only after all the surgery is done and treatment over do we really start to grieve.
    We grieve for the loss of feeling safe with our health.
    We grieve for the loss of the hormones that made us women.
    We grieve for the removal of those body parts.
    We grieve for the changes it has on relationships.'s normal but it is  hard.

    Survivorship is about figuring out how to pick up the  pieces if your life and reclaim it...forever changed you will be, but a life worth the fight for. 

    It does get better. Kath x

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,441
    https// relaxing Celtic music

    https//  Healing Chinese ZEN music of Anxiety & Stress 

    crystal meditation guided https//

    tibetan singing bowls mindfulness bell.... https//

    this is my absolute favourite..  this helps me sleep peacefully 

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Thank you @SoldierCrab. Will be listening to the last one shortly. K xox