Disappointed and confused by the system



  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,372
    Anneski you do NOT have to make this decision by Wednesday!

     Yes, there are optimal time frames, but many of us have uncontrollable delays. That may to our detriment, but anyone who is telling you that the time frame is that tight doesn't have your best interests at heart.

    You've got a great deal going on in your head, work through it.

    Being backed into a corner and pressured is a shitful situation. You are not buying a house or a car where someone else is likely to come in and cut you out of the market. I've never been late in my life, except for chemo. I'd ring them when I was twenty minutes late and say 'Start without me' Never happened.

    You will not be punished because you take another week to decide.  Marg xxx
  • Annski
    Annski Member Posts: 112
    Thanks Marg. I guess I thought I had to say yeay or nay so they could give the booking to some other poor pathetic creature in the same (or even leakier) boat. Part of the problem in the decision is that I wasn't sure of which specific chemo was being proposed, I thought he said AC but wasn't sure. So I rang the nurse, sorry, clinical nurse supervisor and asked. My daughter had already researched the cocktail bar and said both the A (doxyrubwhatever) and the C (Cyclophosetc) were noted for causing bladder irritation. Asked the nurse, she said, "well, that's standard therapy, you have to drink a lot of water". I said I had bladder prolapse and repeated bladder infections, including right now this minute, and she said, "Hmmm, I think we did have someone else with that problem ..." And??? Conversation stopped there. Am I being ridiculous to think this might be relevant? Oh, right, I need to get with the standard program. Anyway I think that's tipped the scales. I'll take the risk, go for the radio and hormone therapy only and see how it turns out. If I am wrong and mets turn up in 12 months or less, then I will have backed the wrong horse. I do have a racing background btw. "And now, coming down the straight, it's Red Devil by a nose!". I don't think so.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well they could delay treatment a few days until bladder infection is sorted. Women commonly get bladder infections really but most do cope with that chemo cocktail. I really doubt it would have big issues as long as oncologist is aware before hand. And yes they recomnend you drink lots of water to help avoid irritation to the bladder and kidneys. I never even had a cold during chemo. My family had bad ones twice during treatment. I'd often get symptons and then after chemo it was gone. I figured it conveniently knocked off the infection.