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Accessing super for treatment



  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Yes this has been a rigorous debate LOL. I think as @scooper is on the disability pension is a different scenario in terms of accessing super and plus diagnosis at stage 4. It's dependent on alot of things and you really need to check with your Super Fund. I was Stage 2 Grade 3 and couldnt access mine unless it was unpreserved funds which are my contributions. I could only access if I were terminal, extreme financial hardship. I have an inbuilt component of Income Protection THANK GOODNESS!!! so has helped alleviate things a little the past 2yrs. BUT Ive had to work 3 days at least as its not enough to survive. I have no choice from January when it ceases to work full time...whether I can physically or not is irrelevant in the system. Ive had to fund myself the cost financially due to unable to work has been horrendous. xx Melinda xo
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Thanks for your post on this emotive topic. When we're given the diagnosis and treatment it's not clear what the long term is all about.  It's not just our physical health and well-being but the long term impact and distress that comes from losing financial security wearing down our savings et cetera 
    Sad that you have to reconsider your work environment so you can make ends meet.
    Wishing you well with your future job prospects. 
    Take care sending you a virtual hug from Christine xx 
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  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Yes it's sad state of affairs our super funds of again we have worked hard paid into and now when we most need it they won't budge. Unreal is there anything we can all together maybe get the federal government to change the ruling on our polices? When one is struck with Breast Cancer shouldn't matter what stage we have excess to our money. Which is giving me a headache as money should be the least of our thoughts but as most of us we all have the usual bills coming in unreal.Shazx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @iserbrown thanks Christine! It really is impacting for so many of us on so many levels. 

    @ShazS it would be nice if there were a way. Ive touched on this in regards to centrelink.  There is sickness benefits but ridiculous to access. There  needs to be a government payment available for all people with such illnesses for a designated amount of time and not taxed!!!! So frustrated i lose most of my income protection in double tax due to working 3 days because i cant survive.  It defeats the whole purpose of it. Uuugh x
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    @melclarity, I feel for you it's so sad to hear how we are struggling financially. Our prognosis is bad enough and dealing with all the emotional stuff that comes with it. I don't know wish someone could help us all sort this ongoing , frustrating situation. Take care Shazx