


  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    There should be access through Centrelink like a family tax payment and ceases at the 2yrs same as income protection for Breast Cancer Patients being different to sickness allowance and not a loan type arrangement to pay back. Some great points but I actually think it should be more an interim of up to 2yrs % of your full time salary exactly as income protection pays.  Majority of women unfortunately depending on their diagnosis and treatment are unable to go back in full capacity...I for one after 2yrs have to look at changing jobs due to the high physical/mental demand of my job. I've worked hard for 30yrs I've paid my taxes but there is zero assistance available when something like this happens. 

    Had I still been married, this entire thing would have been so much easier on so many levels, financially, physically and mentally/emotionally. It's amazing what you do when you have to...I'm just grateful to be finally through my surgeries this year for prevention and moving on big time after 2 diagnosis and 6yrs on this path. 

    Great to know, if I ever needed it for any medical reason, I have that inbuilt component in my Super, so I can claim again, no problems. They were amazing, they organized an Exercise Physiologist who I still see, an OT who has worked with me in terms of managing my job and rehabilitating. They even checked over my CV for applying in other areas. The support Ive received has been incredible, even when I needed more surgeries they wanted to organise a cleaner to come. They had so many ways in which they could help, this was through AMP. Cannot speak highly enough of them.

    xx M

  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there shaz. Go public for your treatment much more affordable. And talk to your bank about your mortgage and they have a financial hardship service you can use and check you don't have insurance with it for illness and or trauma. I took it out but got diagnosed during the waiting period so couldn't claim but you might have it ?? Also all your utiltiy bills you can get extensions on hope this helps. It's an incredibly stressful time that's for sure and with the financials on top of it it's bullshit.  I mentioned earlier about the loan service too. Like I said my son can get one for his expenses involving his apprenticeship and the govt gives student loans too so why can't there be something to help us as well. Margie ❤️
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there again. Haven't heard anything from anyone yet but will keep you all posted as soon as I hear. I didn't want this to go away I want it to be fixed. It's such a shitty shitty thing and has pissed me off so much. Margie ❤️
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there everyone, finally got a response from hesta about my complaint about not being able to access my super, not surprised with the response but will be calling him today to discuss the reasoning behind the delay in my TPD application from early last year. I emailed him back saying I'm not expecting him to be able to help with it so ill let you know what he says later when I call him.. Heres  the email he sent.

    Dear Margaret

    Financial hardship enquiry

    Thank you for your email received on 26 September 2017 regarding eligibility rules for the early release of your superannuation benefits.

    We’re sorry for the difficult situation you found yourself in and that we were unable to make a payment to assist you during that time. However, we are bound by strict Government legislation and do not have any discretion to allow the early release of superannuation unless all requirements are met under the SIS Regulation.
    One of the requirements to qualify for a hardship claim is to be on Centrelink payments for 26 consecutive weeks. Unfortunately, you did not meet this requirement at the time of your initial enquiry.

    Should you remain in financial difficulty, the Department of Human Services may be able to approve payment under Compassionate Grounds. For more details about Compassionate Grounds release criteria you can visit [] or call 1300 131 060.

    We’re also sorry for the difficulties you had with your application for Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover. If you want to proceed with the application, please contact me on 03 9200 2093 and we’ll assist you through the process.

    Should you have further feedback or wish to discuss any aspect of our response, please call us on 1800 813 327 or email us at

    If you are not satisfied with any decision we have made in relation to this issue, you may contact the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal. The Tribunal is an independent body established by the Federal Government to assist members and beneficiaries to resolve certain superannuation complaints. If the Tribunal is able to deal with your complaint, it will attempt to resolve the issue. You can contact the Tribunal on 1300 884 114 or visit their website [] for more information.

    Kind regards

    Nick Silvester
    HESTA Complaints Officer
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2017
    @onemargie I'm not surprised at that response. I enquired about it all at the time of my treatment, I exhausted everything, in the end as I was so ill and couldnt work Centrelink said I had to spend at least $7000 of my own savings to support myself before they would assist with Sickness Allowance. BS! Well Ive spent a hell of alot more than that trying to support myself and my 2 children the past 2 years. I am nearing the end of my income protection that I by chance found it was inbuilt with my education super! Its helped but its so heavily taxed that I can no longer survive it's for the 2 days a week I cannot work, I work 3. WHY??? is it taxable income??? when its due to an illness??? makes me FURIOUS! my hard earned money has gone. I was told I will never be rehabilitated to go back to my job full time so have to seek new employment!! No way TPD you have to be pretty much terminal or already on the disability pension. There just should be something different to the sickness allowance that is like income protection available for 2yrs and NOT TAXED!!! 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Totally agree put your concerns in my other post and ill pop it in the document for susan lamb on Tuesday xx 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @onemargie I'm off to work oh the irony!!! I'll do it when I'm home later today. x
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    So got a call from hesta this morning. Nice enough bloke. Explained to me that the young fella in the article I posted was able to claim his super as he has been on a Centrelink benefit for more than 26 weeks and would of claimed financial hardship. He wouldn’t of even had to explain about the dog just that his current expenses out weigh his income from Centrelink. He said this is how it works. Say for example his income from Centrelink is $300 a week but his expenses are $400 a week the super fund calculates $100 which is the difference x 52 = 5200 and that’s how much he can get and I think he said it’s capped at 10k he was only 25 I think so would also depend how much he had in his super as well but he would have at least that. So he said what he did with the money was irrelevant after he received it and the govt and the super fund wouldn’t care at all  And he said you don’t have to be terminal as well just on a benefit for 26 weeks or more then you can make a claim. And as for my appplcation for my income protection or TPD whichever it was he said it’s normal for the appliction to take around 3 to 4 months to process. Isn’t that a big croc of shit too. I just don’t get it. Margie xxx 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Well at least you got an explanation I guess, my income protection had a 3 month waiting period from the last day I was able to work. it didn't affect me as when I applied it was a few months after finishing 4.5 months of treatment, so they had to backpay me LOL. It is pretty standard the waiting period however. Either way, we have to survive on our own money. I've lost thousands and thousands of dollars in lost income. I'd love to get $5000 out of my super, but as you say, you have to be on benefits for 26 weeks...ummm I have to work, I can't do that and rely on that. 
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Good on you Margie maybe need to go public what BFS so it's okay for the dog but us as human being who are struggling to survive due to our Cancer. Wow WAFJoke we as I have said time and time again is there anyone out there can help us to get this situation sorted. Shazx
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    This is so unfair for everyone out there who are struggling I have this chick at my Super cross fingers has put me on a few ways but as I have said time and time not entitled to anything from Centrelink as we over threshold by a few bucks. Without me working now hubby with all the stress of trying to get overtime which is far between paying bills just keeping our heads above water ATM I feel for people on there own gee wonder if we take up a petition and send it to the Federal Government to have funding readily available for people who have an illness and are struggling .Shazx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I was working full time, plus getting Centrelink for family payment raising my 2 children and maintenance, so I was keeping above water. All of it came crashing down as all of it stopped this year, it is extremely difficult when it is just you to depend on financially, in the last 2 years my diagnosis has cost me over $40,000 of my own money due to inability to work full capacity, only 3 days a week. Cruel...the impact is cruel...I would love that money back out of my super to get back on my feet...grrrr
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    hi there again, I will do my best to rally for change, I'm just as pissed off as all of you guys are as you know, Ill let you know how I go on Tuesday when I see susan lamb. If I win the lotto this weekend you guys are all getting a bloody share for sure!! Margie xx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    @onemargie you're a champion!  Best wishes for Tuesday!  Take care 
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    As I have said I do feel for people on are on there own going through this , working ,raising a family I think you are all great , strong woman and good on you all. Let's all stick together for the fight and hopefully make change to get funding not just for us but for all the new people who are having the same issues with there super funds and need help fianally . Good luck to all Shazx