Double mastectomy and reconstruction with implants

Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
hi all, 
ive been meaning to post for ages but was a bit shy. 
I'm 30 yrs old and have stage 2 triple negative BC. Finished 4 rounds of the horrid AC and now onto taxol. 

I will be seeing my surgeon in a few weeks to start planning surgery. 
Has anyone had a double mastectomy with implants ? Did you increase the cup size ? I'm a B cup and I want to go to a D cup. 
I also wonder what happens to your nipple ? 


  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Hi @Cynth6 why don't you join the Breast Reconstruction group? There are photo stories there of a whole range of recon options to help with your thinking.
  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    @nikkid thanks so much. I'm still getting my head around how to use all of this. I have requested to join the group 
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    Hi Cynthia, I had a double mastectomy and reconstruction with implants about 6 years ago. I was a B cup and are now a D cup. I was quite happy to remain a B cup, but it is hard to know where to stop with the inflations, as the expander never looks like a real breast. I had 495mls put into my expanders, and then swapped with silicone implants of 495 grms. I look quite well balanced, but do feel a bit bigger than before. Having said that, I am very happy with my new boobs and their size. I never bothered to have nipples created, but will wear temporary realistic nipple tattoos. I order them from Brussels and they look really natural and last for about 3 weeks.
    I have photos of my boobs on the Reconstruction group. There are some very interesting stories and pictures of reconstructed boobs to help with your decision making.
  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    So do you need to have these tissue expanders in even if you are having immediate implant reconstruction? 
  • Amazonia
    Amazonia Member Posts: 40
    Hi Cynth6,
    I have had double mastectomy and just reached full expansion of 650 miles with expanders.
    Am waiting the scheduled 3 months for chest muscle to stretch and then implants in September.
    My first mastectomy (L) was a skin sparing but not nipple due to involvement and my plastic surgeon did not want to go straight to implant as it was unknown how much skin would be taken to get clear margins.
    He did say that it is his preference to expand first, regardless.
    Turns out he was right as more skin had to be taken to ensure all was clear.
    I then had ADM ( dermal matrix to (L) muscle to allow more room for expander.
    Second mastectomy (R) was prophylactic and all skin spared but nipple removed.
    Prior to cancer and surgeries I was a DD to E but will not go that big, maybe a C..
    Im not planning on nipple recon due to no sensation and they don't soften but stay erect.
    Planning on floral tattoos anyway. 
    Good luck with your research and decision and congratulations on finishing the AC.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @socoda . Your experience is needed again on immediate reconstruction.
  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    Thank you for sharing Amazonia. I definitely have a lot more research to do. i really can't wait to talk to my surgeon to have all my questions answered 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Cynth6, I had a single skin and nipple sparing mastectomy with immediate recon using a silicon implant. My implant was 540mls straight off and I also had a dermal matrix and the implant was placed under my left pec. I do remember my chest feeling  tight with a slight ache but nothing unbearable and I was in hospital for 6 days. Had heavy pain medication for 3 days but then reduced it to panadol only. I went from a C cup to a D and even with my sentinel node biopsy had only the one scar under my breast. I did carry a drain around for 8 weeks but that was because the drain itself was causing irritation. Once the drain was out I was back at work the next day. Too good. I'm really happy with the outcome. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer if I can. Wishing you all the best with your decision. Xx Cath
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    edited June 2017
    @Cynth6 - when you get the Kit (or if you've got it already), there's a great diary in it. I used that to list all my questions for my surgeons (breast and plastic). When I saw my breast surgeon, she just said "shoot..." and away i went with 2 pages of questions....40 minutes later I was so damned relieved! She's such a great surgeon, she totally understood my need to know and was very empathic.

    I've now progressed to dot points in the Notes app on my iphone - so when I see my PS, or oncologist, I just open up the notes and fire away. You'll find, after time, the list gets shorter and shorter as you become more and more expert in your treatment :).
  • RubyRumble
    RubyRumble Member Posts: 39
    Can someone direct me to the question sheet for "Plastic Surgeon" I know I have seen it, but can't remember where? I have my appointment with PS tomorrow morning...try to keep cool about it!!! :-|
  • RubyRumble
    RubyRumble Member Posts: 39
    That's it  thank you @nikkid x