Feeling grateful



  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 248

    thank you @au0rei for sharing your thoughts with us. I am sure that we are all at different stages of our walk with God and we will all get different things out of the links you have given us. 

    So welcome @SoldierCrab God bless you. xxx
  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    Hi @auOrei, have just read the  blog re marriage and how it can be strengthened through our trials. I can see why it inspired you. How are you managing with your feelings of fear? Have you managed to lay it at the cross? It is so much easier to pickup that burden and try to continue to carry it ourselves! God is so patient and understanding. He does not turn us away even when we are struggling to hand it over yo Him. I pray that you are continuing to seek Him. 
  • Meema
    Meema Member Posts: 4

    Hi Meema, glad to meet you, even though not in the best of circumstances. It must have been a traumatic time for you and your family at time of diagnosis. I pray that God will continue to be good to you through this present time of chemotherapy and then mastectomy. I read a lot of comments on the site and am grateful for my circumstance in comparison to others. It is only human to have down days and can attest to some myself recently. The knowledge of God's peace is always there - hang onto that.

  • Meema
    Meema Member Posts: 4
    Hi BarbieAnne, nice to meet you too! So sorry for the long absence - I have been somewhat occupied with chemo, doctors appointments, visitors and everything else that goes with cancer.  I'm sure you understand what I mean. At the moment i'm battling a chest infection. Please pray that it will clear soon as i am due for surgery in a few weeks - end August. I completed chemo a week ago, and needed a blood transfusion as well because of low hemoglobin levels. My energy levels were down to zero, but our God is so amazing, He gave me His supenatural energy and strength. And at the right time my oncologist ordered the transfusion. Thank you for your encouragement - I am hanging onto His peace, grace and mercy always! 
    Psalm 34:8  -  Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!
    Love and blessings in Christ to all.
  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    Hi Meema, can understand your absence. There are some things that do take priority! I will pray for you concerning your chest infection. God certainly is amazing. Keep in there girl!
    I had an arthroscopy done about a fortnight ago and am now in the process of exercising the knee for strengthening. Looking forward to the day I can get out there walking large distances again. 
    God Bless!

  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 248
    @meema I hope you see this as I am puzzled why I did not get any email notification when someone posts on this thread or wrote my username. I hope you are travelling okay? Dear Father, I pray for @meema to have full recovery from chemo and all the treatments she has had, and I pray for your protection as she prepares for surgery end of August. May your blood cover her. In Jesus' most precious name. Amen.
  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 248
    @BarbieAnne sorry for the no reply until now. I did not get any notification via email, so strange. I hope you are well. I still struggle at times with anxiety. I have to constantly surrender it to God and right now I really try to use the power of proclamation. It's so good. Whenever a negative thought comes in, I would verbalize my proclamation using God's word - such as I am fearfully and wonderfully made etc. I have learnt recently from Charles Capps' little booklet about healing that it's very important we proclaim aloud God's word upon ourselves. God spoke creation into being. So we can also do likewise and see it come to pass.

    I listen to sermons on youtube a lot. So good to saturate my mind and heart with his word. And more importantly is to spend that personal time with God in praise and worship. Praise and worship is powerful and God will work when we do that. I constantly pray that God will change my heart to trust Him completely as I consciously make the decision to do so.

    I hope you are well. xx
  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    @auOrei, thankyou, I am well. 
    Thank you God for auOrei and her declaration of love for you. I pray that as she presses into you that you will remove all sense of anxiety as we know that you would not want her to be anxious. Amen

  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 248
    Amen! xxx
  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 248
    Good morning sisters! I want to give thanks to Abba Father for bringing healing to my knees! This week after reading Charles Capp's little booklet on healing. I have been speaking to my knees this week to be fully restored. They have been stiff from chemotherapy which I had Feb-April. I have seen my body heal from my groin to my thighs and knees were not perfect yet. Sometimes when I sit down I have bad stiffness getting up... felt like an old woman! But God has made them well as I proclaim His Word on them this week. This morning I suddenly realized the stiffness was gone! Hallelujah! Thank you Abba Father!!!