Take care of yourself xxx



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Wow....work on Monday, that will do you the world of good Mel. It's great that your workplace is supporting you in your employment .....I'm sure that they'll ease you into it initially. Would take a bit to get your head around things at first. 
    Glad that you like my paintings......it is my happy place and my escape from everything.
    Cuddles, Trace xxxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    My workplace had been very supportive, I started the year but surgery was end of Feb so I worked like 5 weeks and took LWOP and my income protection has been paying me instead, so I could keep my sick leave. It will be good to get back to work, but possibly not my place of employment, a long story, but lets just say I want to fast forward the year and out of there LOL. 

    Yes you can see it is your happy place, just beautiful!!! keep it up! xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Hey Mel, Here's hoping that whatever was troubling in your workplace has settled when you get back. Nothing worse than trying to work where there are problems. Sending positive vibes xxxx
  • Jenv
    Jenv Member Posts: 64
    Hi primek,
    Well, am actually in hospital...got up to A & E where i sat for 4 hours while they took bloods, did a chest xray and chest ct scan..they ruled out clot in lung thank god...so am on oxygen therapy, have had some steroids pushed through IV, plus some fluid removing concoction which will make me go to the loo constantly....did an ecg to check heart and proceeded to tell me i could have damage to heart...Do i want to be resusitated? Well, i hadn't looked at that yet, but i probably should do an advance care plan...not quite ready to leave this world yet.    So i am stupid, should have gone up at least a week ago instead of thinking i could ride it out...still didnt take myself to A & D til saturday when i couldn't stand it any longer...obviously don't muck around thinking it will pass.  xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh @Jenv how awful. I hope all improved really soon and they figure out what the hell happened. At least soon you should be breathing easier. Please keep us up to date how you are.  Take care. Kath x
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0

    Jenv said:

    Hi primek,
    Well, am actually in hospital...got up to A & E where i sat for 4 hours while they took bloods, did a chest xray and chest ct scan..they ruled out clot in lung thank god...so am on oxygen therapy, have had some steroids pushed through IV, plus some fluid removing concoction which will make me go to the loo constantly....did an ecg to check heart and proceeded to tell me i could have damage to heart...Do i want to be resusitated? Well, i hadn't looked at that yet, but i probably should do an advance care plan...not quite ready to leave this world yet.    So i am stupid, should have gone up at least a week ago instead of thinking i could ride it out...still didnt take myself to A & D til saturday when i couldn't stand it any longer...obviously don't muck around thinking it will pass.  xx

    Hey Jen, glad that they've had a good look at you and can help. Hoping that the oxygen therapy makes a difference and that you're feeling a bit brighter soon. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace xx