


  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Wow! My breast surgeon is also head of surgery at one of Melbourne's largest hospitals and she could still make time to see me to discuss my results within a week! What a pity @hannahjane. Is there another doctor at the breast clinic at Northern Hospital other than Dr Hope that you could see?

    How is the recovery from your biopsy going?
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @hannahjane I'm sorry to hear that, extremely unusual 5 weeks? I can't imagine your GP would have those results. I must have missed something. 
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    She hasn't requested me to see anyone else, when we discussed me having the biopsy and getting the results she said she couldn't see me for another 5-7 weeks because she's busy and asked if I could wait for the results then and I said sorry no I don't feel comfortable waiting that long for them so I requested her to send the results to my gp and she just said that if it does come back to be anything " nasty" I have to go back and see her and she seemed happy with that so I'm not sure .. 
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    Oh and I'm doing ok after the biopsy still a bit sore but I'm glad it's over :) 
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Was it a punch one?  :s
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    Yeah the " core biopsy " with the gun thing that shoots the needle into the lump ☹️
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @hannahjane I have been a patient of the Northern Hospital Breast Clinic for 9 years, in Cooper Street Epping behind Epping Plaza, is that the hospital you have been attending????
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    Yes, that's the one cate :) 
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    Sorry the breast surgeon I seen was " dr grace chew " at the northern hospital, for some reason I thought her name was " dr grace hope " 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hello @hannahjane, I was thinking of you and wondering whether you have got any results back yet. Hope you are doing OK. The waiting is terrible. Sending a hug, Jane xx