Told today mastectomy of my right breast



  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    Ok so meet with dr tiver today for radiation consult and he said that I will only need 5 weeks of radiation, so score  not 6 -12 weeks. He also said that since they found minute cells in the first lymph node he was going to hit all the lymph nodes up to my collar bone just to be 100 sure . 
    Just chemo to get thru now which starts next Thursday , so the rollercoaster starts
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2017
    Good luck with chemo. I had 5 weeks of radiotherapy and 1 week of a booster after a left mastectomy and ACT chemo, including above the collarbone. This reduced the risk of cancer returning. Great to hear you have everything in place, now you just have to look after yourself and get through the next step. 
  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    Thank you Lucy I have a fabulous husband. A very close family and friends who have been spoiling me , in other words driving me slightly up the wall lol, so yes I don't have to look after myself everyone else is 
  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    11 days after my first chemo and up til now I had a good experience, yesterday I had my 10 day blood test and had a headache all day then to wake up this morning feeling lightheaded and dizzy every time I move. I guess my blood levels are low 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Keep up the fluids you might be a bit dry. I needed stemitil to combat that woozy feeling. Rest up. Kath x
  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    Thanks, ended up in hospital temp wouldn't go below 37.9 so now I am sitting here after a night of bag after bag of fluids and antibiotics.Little to no sleep and diarrhoea from the strong antibiotics and my hair picks today to start to fall out lol 
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    @Michelle49, my right breast is going too. It's a shitty ride but we  will get there.
    Hoping you won't be in hospital long.
    Take care 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh dear. The 1st round is the roughest. After that you have a booster injection after chemo to help with that white cell count. I was told to only go to hospital if temp above 38, lucky you went.  I guess you were on the border and also feeling so unwell so glad they took it seriously. Hope things improve for you soon. My hairdresser came to me and buzzed off my hair at home.  (I've been going to her more than 10 years) You might be able to organise that. Some bigger hospitals even have a hairdresser on site. Otherwise. ..clippers from home?  Just have a cap ready as your head gets cold. Take care. Kath x
  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    Thanks Kath I'm home now , released today at 10:30, my platelets were very low causing  headache dizziness and a bleeding nose, my white cell count was 0.6 so I was classed as immune deficient so masks and gloves for all who entered my room. No infection showed up on all the blood urine and throat swab tests but they hit me with fluid drips as well as antibiotic by drip every 6 hours with 2 types of antibiotics and sent me home with a script for antibiotics for then next 5 days. My 2 nieces are hairdressers and I'm getting my head shaved tomorrow as at the moment it brings tears to my eyes when I touch my head and I can't wait for it to be gone my niece will shave it at the saloon or at my brothers place , I told her I don't care where as I will cry as it hurts so much to touch. Since my sister and two nieces are hair dressers I haven't really paid much for hair cuts in the last 30 yrs and my nieces boss said if I come in the saloon to get it cut she is not charging me either as her mother died of breast cancer and it her gift to me, gotta love close country towns . 
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    @Michelle49 glad to hear yu at home. Sorry the first round was pretty crummy for you. Good luck with the head shave,my lovely hairdresser came to my house for mine as I had been going there for years. Sounds like you are covered in that dept. 
    hugs to you. One less to go....
    Paula xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2017
    I hope you're resting @Michelle49. Sorry you've had such a tough time. xx
  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2017
    I'm so glad to be home as I could have exactly what I wanted for tea, I  just sat down and ate a plate full of lasagne the only problem was trying to swallow the horse size antibiotic tablet. 
    I am resting , I've watched 3 movies since Graeme left for work at 2. no nurses wanting to check my obs at all hour of the night or little kids playing in the courtyard outside my room.

    My next chemo is on Thursday 20th and since I turn 50 on the 23rd, this Saturday I'm going out with my family ,26 of them , to celebrate then Wednesday I get a picc line inserted so I'm ready , bring it on I've had bad so I know what to expect
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    Have a brilliant time on Saturday and happy 50th for the 23rd. That's so lovely that you're celebrating early. It's so nice to get home from hospital too, isn't it! xx
  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2017
    Thanks Lucy yep loving being home as I could look out my hospital room window and I could see my house made me homesick even if I was only across the road lol 
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    Rest up and enjoy those movies.
    Enjoy your early birthday too.
    Paula xx