Mammographic/breast density



  • Jeanbean
    Jeanbean Member Posts: 6
    I earlier said (in error) that we had not yet had acknowledgements from RANZCR regarding our queries about its breast density position statement. We have received acknowledgements - my husband had filed them. We just need the answers. One of our questions is about an ABC news report late last year that RANZCR's policy is now that women should be advised of their breast density after screening. If this is correct, then it is not yet reflected in its position statement. We are seeking clarification.
  • Riki_BCNA
    Riki_BCNA Member Posts: 322
    Hi Everyone, just to let you know BCNA is also working with key stakeholders to develop clear national clinical guidelines for the screening and management of breast density. Please see the below link for more information. Also referred to is a charity Pink Hope that has information on this issue also .
  • gevans
    gevans Member Posts: 10
    Hi jeanbean. You will be most welcome at the mammographic density conf without fitting the categories as mentioned for the other two conferences. Actually, you are a consumer advocate as anyone who speaks out on behalf of others in the same boat is an advocates in my opinion. I'll have more to say about this later after speaking to the organisers! Stay tuned. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @Sister bloody hell there go my sausage fingers again lol. It’s not as funny as my “biggest jugs” one I typed instead of biggest hugs lol. I’m going to call my new set of tits Denise now when I eventually get them..... Denise 1 and Denise 2 ..... Margie.  Xxx 
  • SheilaH
    SheilaH Member Posts: 3
    Hello friends, this is my first post here.  My cancer was diagnosed and treated nearly 8 years ago.  My doctor told me he couldn't find anything and I was worried for nothing but sent me for a mammogram and u/s plus a referral to a surgeon.  Scans came back clear and I had to wait 3 weeks for a non-urgent appointment then 8 days after the biopsy when he called me to make an urgent appointment.  It turned out to be Lobular, 4cm with 9 nodes, stage III.  I didn't have dense breasts but Lobular is practically invisible on MX and only an MRI which I paid for prior to surgery (BMX) showed it clearly. 
    Around 12% of BC is Lobular yet they rarely show on scans and don't form a lump.  So ILC makes up more new cases in women than Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Pancreatic, Leukemia, or Kidney and renal cancers.  There are almost as many ILC cases diagnosed as thyroid cancers in women. Yet we are lumped in with Ductal, it's assumed the screening program is finding our cancers yet many women are in a later stage when discovered. 
    I want to find out who to go to to have this remedied.  We need screening MRI's for both dense breasts and in case ILC is hiding away.   It needs a big outlay for MRI equipment and staff but it's imperative.  Too many of my ILC sisters are dying when their life could have been saved.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @sheilaH What made you persist when the doctor & mammograms told you it was nothing?
  • SheilaH
    SheilaH Member Posts: 3
    I had one symptom I couldn't ignore that I was too embarrassed to mention to the doctors.  I got out of the shower one day in a cool bathroom and only one side reacted.  One side flat and nothing would make it react.  That was so wrong.  I just knew it was something serious.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @SheilaH Incredible. Thank goodness you were so attuned to your body. And persistent & determined.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @SheilaH - I went for a screening mammogram and somehow the mammograher saw that something didn't look quite right - my surgeon said it was a remarkable pick, but already 4.5cm and in the nodes (originally thought to be 2.5cm).  Barely showed on the CT scans.  I didn't know anything was wrong.
  • Jeanbean
    Jeanbean Member Posts: 6
    Thanks gevans - re attending the mammographic breast density conference, my husband will need to be there with me. I am still undergoing treatment; sore, tired and in no way feeling like researching and engaging with stakeholders on breast density reporting. He has been doing this for us both - with me limited to reviewing/editing/approving. However he will have a new shoulder operation early May and our travel plans will need to take account of how well we both are :-(  At this stage we are still keen to go.
  • gevans
    gevans Member Posts: 10
    Happy Easter everyone.
    Please note that BCNA is  looking for contributions to the work on mammographic density. See Danielle's invitation on the on-line home page.  Danielle is happy to ring anyone who is interested so it doesn't matter where you live. 

  • gevans
    gevans Member Posts: 10
    Announcement258 views12 commentsMost recent by Molly001April 1

    This is under 'discussions' on the online home page.
  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Hi everyone i am a litte new here. Had a Core Needle Biopsy last week. All seems clear however I am off to see a spealicst in May...Just wondering about Dense breast I have alot of cysts and a couple that were biopsyed. MY GP said to my lumps were fibrocystic does this mean I have dense breast not 100% sure what dense breast means. Thank you and I hope you are all having a good day. Cheers

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803

    From a place I shouldn't frequent - Dr Google

    "Breast density compares the amount of fat to the amount of tissue on a mammogram. Dense breasts contain more glandular and fibrous tissue than fatty tissue. In general, younger women tend to have dense breasts, and breast density typically decreases as a woman gets older"

    Your Dr will be able to explain to you if you have dense breasts

  • Pahill
    Pahill Member Posts: 40
    Thank you iserbrown i apparently have fibrocystic breast not 100% sure if I understand it. My GP told me its not cancer and not to worry. I am however off to see the specilist in May so I quess i will have to wait until then for more information and understanding. Thank you