Time to admit defeat in the workplace?



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Ah @Brenda5  you know that it is the stress of all this bl**dy crap that Cancer serves up to us.... be Gentle on yourself and it will get done. ONE step at a time 
    hugs and energy sent to you 

  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    Dear Brenda - I have read all your posts and I know what a lovely and caring and kind person you are.  You are not a mad woman.  Centrelink is not very user friendly.  I had so much trouble when trying to organise stuff for my mum and dad.  OMG.  Do you have extended family that can help you.  Just a thought maybe you could go to your local federal member and see if they could help you.  The social worker at the hospital.  Don't be off put by them telling you that you need to apply on line.  That is not correct.  Not everyone has the computer skills or even a computer to do this.  This disease and on going medication certainly knocks us around more that anyone could ever imagine. You and your husband deserve help before you go into total financial meltdown.  Just a word of advice.  Photocopy anything you hand over to Centrelink.  Most important. Take care Brenda.  xxxx
  • Polly Rose
    Polly Rose Member Posts: 67
    Hi Brenda. I understand your frustration with Centrelink but there are a few things that may help you. If you need to set up an online account, then it can be done with the assistance of a worker in the office( most offices have internet available for clients) or at home with phone support. They can walk you through step by step from setting up your " myGov" account right through to linking services (eg Medicare Centrelink or the TaxOffice) and even where to find and fill in the necessary documents. As it is all logged electronically, there is less chance that things will get " lost" like it did for you Dad and you have a record of what you sent and when. If all of this still seems overwhelming, then perhaps you could ask to see one of the Centrelink social workers. They are able to spend more time with you to help work out what is really going to be best for you and your family. I hope this all makes sense at this time of night. Good luck with it all. Polly
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hey there brenda what a shitty time your having. The system pisses me off too. Centrelink love to pass the buck and lose forms and lately accuse innocent people of fraud. I like you and many of us didn't have the luxury of income protection etc. we couldn't claim any of my super as i was not classed as terminal. Couldn't get sickness benefit as my husband earns to much (the threshold is bloody ridiculous) so he has worked so so hard to keep our heads above water. I have given serious thought to staring a charity for people like yourself to offfer financial support and to those who can't take advantage of the welfare system. But I looked like a massive pain in the arse and I might look at a go find me page instead If I lived closer to you I'd happily help you fill out your forms. I work in a GP  clinic normally as a nurse and have helped many to complete  them so maybe you can see if you can make an appointment  with your gp and the nurse and get them done. I print every detail of the patients chart that's relevant  as it's all there in front of me and always take a copy in case it goes missing. Then the patient sees the dr so he can compete his part Also speak to your dr about getting some community nursing support to help you at home with your dad and yourself.  Ask for help it's totally fine. Thinking of you. Hugs margie xx