New Diagnosis



  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150

    Shaylls said:

    Hi Everyone, 
    Just wanted to say hello. I have been diagnosed this week with early stage breast cancer - invasive lobular carcinoma. It's been a scary week going from a slightly inverted nipple to rushed tests here and there to having cancer. Going in for surgery for removal on Monday and then will be looking at radiation and hormone therapy from there. My head is still spinning and my emotions are all over the place. At 44 with no family history this was the last thing I would have ever expected.
    feeling positive but have moments of complete fear also. 

    Hi Shaylee,
    I was diagnosed 31st October and am now 19 days post op lumpectomy and removal of all lymph nodes in right arm.  First consult with oncologist tomorrow.  Still feels surreal.  I have just turned 64 and am a registered nurse but still having trouble coming to terms with it all and the look of my 'new' body.
  • Toni63
    Toni63 Member Posts: 11
    HI new to this forum, was diagnosed with DCIS 2012, 3 x lumpectomies and radiotherapy and that was that.. well that is what I thought, mid Nov had what was supposed to be my final mamo and scan before being signed off as 5 years (almost clear) but my body thought otherwise.... off for a biospy DCIS again same breast, and then MRI and changes in the right... wow what a couple of weeks ..  it certainly has been a whirlwind, and family not coping well...  nice to know I can unload here, with those that understand... thinking of you all that are going through this journey .. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793
    My heart goes out to you Toni63 and others that just seemed to get pipped at the post (almost clear) - here's hoping it is smooth sailing with treatment.  Take care
  • Jess_BCNA
    Jess_BCNA Member Posts: 474
    Hi there @Toni63 - just wanted to welcome you also to the online network and to let you know that if you need any help working your way around the network please just let me know.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Toni63, What a shocker!! So are the changes in the right breast being flagged as BC? Can understand your family not coping well and as for getting so close to the 5 year clear it must be incredibly frustrating. Please know that yes you most definitely can come here and unload and get all the support we can give. Vent away, cry, scream and get it out of your system. When is your surgery?? Let us know how you're going Xx Cath
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Welcome @Toni63 A difficult time with the unknowns. Hoping your journey goes smoothly.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    This is a great place to share your worries. I realise now with all the known variables of cancer journeys it is rather frightening for family too. Much of the time when I was having treatment and being in rather a dark place in my head and body in those days, family did want to see or hear negative things from me. Get in here and rant to your heart's content. <3
  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217

    Hi there and welcome to you @Toni63.

    I can totally relate and understand your shock.

    I got to the 4 year mark - routine ultrasound & mammogram - another lump - same breast. This was after chemo and radiotherapy 4 years earlier !

    With the first bc diagnosis, one of my worst fears, and I think most women go through this - "What if it comes back" ?

    Of course, the fact that your family is so distressed heightens your worry.   

    Please feel free to unload and share your concerns and worries - the forum is great.

    Let us know what your next steps are and the support is always here.  

    Best wishes Sheryl xx  

  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    Hi @Toni63 - as the others have said, come online and pour it all out - we will understand and always be here.    We cope because we have to, our families don't always do well.  Please keep in touch with how your biopsy goes. Sending you a big hug.  xx Michelle
  • Toni63
    Toni63 Member Posts: 11
    Hi all, well it has been a whirlwind 3 weeks since my last post..after talking to the plastic surgeon,  i then needed to decide whether to have a bilateral mastectomy  and reconstruction or just the mastectomy.   Wow my brain almost exploded  from thinking.  I am very lucky to have a supportive  husband and with lots of loving discussion  I decided to have the bilateral and TRAM reconstruction. . My decision  was vindicated when the pathology came back with early cancer on the right side too.  So now I am 10 day post surgery  still in pain but grateful  it is done.  
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Such a relief you chose a bilateral. Hope you heal quickly and the pain improves.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793
    Woo hoo you're on your way to a new you
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Great decision. I reckon what we choose for ourselves is often the best treatment. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Well done Toni, what a relief for you. Such a good decision. Keep us posted with how you're going. Xx
  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    take care