Not so happy today..

Oh my,
Im usually ok with pain, but this is getting me down! First I get neuralgia NOW I also have cording! Isn't the universe content enough it gave me BC,? Now I have to deal with the side effects of surgery?
It's really, really frustrating! I would otherwise be able to deal with healing.
Finally seeing oncologist tomorrow (Monday) to discuss my treatment after re excision on Friday. I'm so not looking forward to that.. Also seeing surgeon, I know my beautiful Breast care nurse is leaving me some excercises for the cording at his office
Sorry for my whinge, it's seems minuscule compared to what some of you are going through right now..... I feel a bit silly! Hopef-ully I'll get some relief soon BEFORE. I start chemo.... ??
Trying to. Stay strong|breathe|believe
Hi Tracy, sorry to hear about the cording. I know how much having pain can get you down. I turn into a completely different person when I am in pain. Are you on pain meds? Are you also seeing a physio? While I hate the pain I get from multiple cannula attempts (feels like someone is pouring acid into my veins and then my arm aches for days and days), the bone pain I get is the worst pain I experience. My onc gave me endone and panadeine forte but they didn't work. What ended up working for me was regular neurofen. You may have to try different meds to see which suits. Stay strong and hang in there. Take care, Nadine
Oh and whinge away, I do and I find it helps. Just knowing there are others who understand what I am going through really really helps me.
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Thank you nadi
hopefully I'll get advice on t meds tomorrow... Panadeine forte knocks me out and does nothing for the pain.... I'm not real good with drugs, and I have to be careful as I have a heart condition too!
Arrgh so annoying!
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I'm not sure what the answer is to cording but I am seeing my physio next week to find out. Yet another little detail they neglected to mention before my full axillary lymph node removal. Rare chance of lymphedema in later years was all I was told.
Now I have tendons under my arm tight as drums, it follows through the inside of the elbow where I can feel the same two tight cords and it finishes up in my wrist. I am a leftie and its my left arm so I am totally p..eeved off that every time I reach out for something I get this pulling sensation that says hey watch what your doing and sends some pain just to reinforce it.
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I had severe cording it was all the way down my arm and into my breast. Exercises ladies exercises the more you do them you will break up that tissue its the most weird sensation when you feel it go ping and the cord snaps it weird, I also went to a massage therapist who work on it and the relief was great rub sorbelene into that area while under the shower this helps a lot. I must say its the most uncomfortable pain you get from cording I was in tears some days, not pleasant but it goes away, but mine did come back while having radiotherapy. adean
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Tracy I'm sorry to hear of your pain. I still have a lot to learn about this, I'm not sure what cording is but it does not sound pleasant.
I am praying for you that you feel comfortable & they sort you some pain killers that work for you soon.
Sending Hugs.
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You need to stretch heaps to help with cording. I stretch my arm morning and nite in shower...i hang on to the curtain railing and it feels great. Also massage the area and use you fingers to pull away the area thats cording and you should here it pop sensation. Freaked me out the first time i did it but was given this advice by my breast care nurse and it works a treat. The more you use your arm the better.
Hope things improve for you its a bugger being in pain all the time i know first hand what that feels like. Take care.
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Hi Tracy
Not sure if this will help you but I showed early signs of lymphodema (no cording) and found a great physio who did lymphdema massage. Besides it feeling fantastic, it seemed to really help. Better still I could claim it through medicare by way of GP medical plan. It cost very little and was such a nice experience.
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Thanks everyone!
I have been referred to a physio now, so will hopefully be getting relief soon!
- Tracy
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Hi Tracy the Pinc physio program is awesome I lost most use of left arm but now I can move it not great but getting there I also have cording now I think some of my loss of use is due to expander which thankfully is now filled xxx