Welcome to our new members!

Hi everyone,
I wanted to give a shout-out to our new members that have just joined the "Get active and keep well" group.
I know that many of you are keen to find out what types of activities are best to be taking part in. I have read a number of post about walking, running and yoga. Do you do these activities to stay active? or have you found other forms of exercise that work for you?
~ Ann-Marie x
Hi Ann-Marie,
I think it's great that people recognize the benefits of staying active whatever stage of this process you happen to be at.
When I was diagnosed I continued to walk (on a treadmill with loud music) as it helped me to deal with everything. I cried as I walked but I felt that I was helping myself prepare for surgery and treatment.
I continued this throughout treatment as much as possible. A treadmill in the privacy of my own home allowed me to exercise without worrying about what I looked like minus one boob and with no hair!
Once I finished treatment I found getting outside to exercise was helpful. I am now almost 3 years from diagnosis. I think it is important to enjoy whatever you choose to do to keep active. I love everything I do so it is never a case of making myself do something just because I know I should. I go hiking, I swim, I love a bit of yoga too. In general I will have a go at anything but I choose to do the things that I enjoy on a daily basis.
I would encourage anyone to find what they love and just enjoy it often. Deanne xxx
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Hi Anne-Marie,
Ive been swimming laps in the mornings, and find that it's helping to strengthen my right arm. Can now swim for about a km each day (Monday to Friday) I'm also doing a gentle weights program twice a week, and this is also making a difference o my energy and strength.
Best wishes,
Trace ????????
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Hi Trace,
I always find swimming laps so therapeutic. So good for your body to help in recovering. Do you swim in the mornings? That's a great distance you are clocking up. It's amazing how much of a difference exercise can make to our energy levels.
~ Ann-Marie x
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I love that - Find what you love and just enjoy it! So true.
Do you like Hatha yoga or are you more of hot yogi
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Oh gosh! I'm not a proper yogi! I just do a few basic stretches and deep breathing exercises which are a bit of a combination of yoga and Pilates. I don't even know the proper names for what I do! I was shown how to do them by the Pilates Physio who I saw for about 6 months during my recovery after treatment.
My favourite thing is this deep breathing routine using a small ball placed in various positions as you lean against it. I also love just laying on my back with my legs straight up against a wall for a few minutes before I go to bed. Apparently it slows your nervous system down and you sleep better.
I always like the idea of beach yoga. Maybe I will get around to trying that one day. I love doing what seems natural and if I can do it in a beautiful natural environment then that is even better. Feels good for the soul! Deanne xxx
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Hi Anne-Marie,
I go to our outdoor pool with my hubby first thing in the morning. Started with just 1 lap at a time, then started to group the laps together. That's my little challenge, this week I've started doing a drills day, and a longer swim each week, see if I can mix it up a bit. It's relaxing and therapeutic, and I've noticed the range of movement in my arm is so much better.
Big cuddles
Trace ????