Dealing with cancer AFTER treatment - Trying to move on



  • Karen T
    Karen T Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2015

    I just started a new job and had the same 'do I tell them' worry. I decided to tell them in the interview IF they asked a question that actually related to it some how but otherwise not to bring it up myself.

    Funnily it was their very first question! I had left my old job as I was just completely burnt out after working though treatment. I had an almost 4 month break before applying for this new job and the gap on my resume was what they asked about - specifically why did I have a break/leave the old job.

    I told them that I had a pretty intense year last year and went though BC treatment. I took some time just to refresh and it was wonderful. I am recharged and feeling good. I made a point of saying that it is in the past and I dont want to dwell on it just move forward.

    At the end of the interview they thanked me for being honest. I think seeing that it didnt hinder my ability to do the job and that I was eager to simply 'get on with it' painted the whole thing in a better light.

    I got the job and they havent treated me any differently which was a minor concern.

    All the best with all your work stuffs! :)


  • Karen T
    Karen T Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2015

    Thank you!

    I have just loved reading everyone comments!  It is so wonderful to be able to post our thoughts here in such a supportive community.  I think just typing this post I got it out of my system a bit too :)

    I have decided to simply pm people that tag me or post cancer things to my facebook page. It will be interesting to see how people respond but I think if it is worded carefully it will go down well.

    Thank you all for your support xox


  • Aizenev55
    Aizenev55 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2015

    Maybe just a short post thanking your FB friends for their thoughtful posts but after your first anniversary you are emerging from the shadow and changing your reading habits.  My friends would get the message frkm something simil and know that I have been grateful for their support but pick up on no more thanks.  Only you  can know what will work with your friends. 

    Best wishes, Kym



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,315
    edited October 2015

    Good for you :)

    Just think October is halfway over. Yay. 

    What do you do with the gemstones yiu cut?

    p xxx

  • Karen T
    Karen T Member Posts: 95
    edited January 2016

    I was tagged in a post about chemo being even worse for you than the cancer. It made me so angry at the time. Wonder how many people are copping that one on social networking?!