


  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2015

    Thinking of you & crossing toes & fingers that the news is good Karen. 

    Keep calling whoever you need to get some answers before your next appointment - GP, breast care nurse, etc etc. 

    & keep venting here or doing whatever helps to cope with the stress & anxiety. You are not being ridiculous - you are scared, worried & anxious - as anyone would be in your position.

    Take Care 

    Mel xxx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited July 2015

    OMG Karen, that's not the news that you want. Thinking of you during this time and sending you a big cuddle ?? Trace

  • Lindyloo
    Lindyloo Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2015

    Of course it's only natural for the bad thoughts to be circling round your head. A dense mass could be anything. They had told me the same thing in my good breast too. For me it just meant that the tissue was slightly thicker in places, nothing to be concerned about. Could be cysts? But someone has already said about the chemo you had had, would have dealt with things. we are all behind you. Have a good cry, it helps. But you are strong, you have come through so much already. Lots of hugs to you. Let us know how you get on. Xxxx

  • Cookie
    Cookie Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2015

    Hi Karen, my first mammogram and ultrasound after my second diagnosis revealed suspicious areas in both breasts. I had a core biopsy straight after on my left breast and a stereostatic biopsy on my right breast a few days later. Unfortunately for me it was bad news. Don't know how it works where you go for checkups but if they haven't said anything about a biopsy then it may not be anything to worry about. Thinking of you and hoping everything is ok.

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited July 2015

    I got a call this morning from the hospital at 8.00am. Considering they couldn't possibly fit me in any sooner, they have all of a sudden changed my appointment with the breast surgeon to tomorrow morning first thing. At least I will have an idea of what's going on sooner. Oh boy am I scared. I just keep telling myself what will be will be 

  • Genieoz
    Genieoz Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2015

    Keeping you in my thoughts.



  • Loubegg
    Loubegg Member Posts: 73
    edited July 2015

    Thinking of you Karen.   Sending you a big hug and positive thoughts!  Lx

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited July 2015

    Thinking of you, Karen. Hope the appointment is/ was ok, Lyn

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited July 2015

    Hi All

    I saw the surgeon today and he is happy with the mammogram. He says that the dense mass is only a cyst. Why the hell they couldn't just tell me that I'm buggered if I know!!! Could have saved a lot of angst.  As you can imagine I am relieved beyond belief. Thank you all for your thoughts and support. 

    Hope you are all travelling well. Love Karen xox

  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    edited July 2015

    Woo hoo - that's terrific news Karen :) 

    Hopefully you can breathe a little easier now as you continue to move forward in your journey.

    So happy for you & yes totally agree - that news should have been delivered over the phone & then discussed in more detail during your appointment. 

    Go celebrate !!

    Regards Mel 


  • kazza4450
    kazza4450 Member Posts: 159
    edited July 2015

    Praise God. Been praying for you.

    So happy to hear ??????

  • Genieoz
    Genieoz Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2015

    Wonderful news Karen! I'm so happy and relieved  for you. I'm sure you'll sleep so much better tonight!

    Fi xx

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited July 2015

    fantastic news you can relax now.

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited July 2015

    Fantastic news Karen, so relieved for you xx

  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited July 2015

    Great news, Karen:) Hope you get some rest now, all the best,

    Hazel xx