Fed up!



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Josie well behaved- doesn't sound like you-what's going on?I'm glad you got through your mother in law's visit unscathed. Yes,those little pills are good- make you feel drunk and a couldn't care less attitude. When I first walked into the chemo unit and saw everyone sitting in their chairs very quiet and sedate,I wanted to run. I said to my husband "I think they have all had lobotomys,feel like I'm in a scene from one flew over the cuckoo's nest".But I soon realized that they'd probably all had their chill pills well beforehand.I didn't get mine until after a few attempts at cannulation and me crawling up the wall and making a big scene.I'm sure they all looked and thought oh there's another new one protesting-give her a few hours on the iv and she'll be docile like the rest of us.

    Glad you got through yesterday's chemo ok.Take the chill pills but don't lose that wonderful fighting spirit that you have-or that wicked sense of humour!

                                    luv Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Josie well behaved- doesn't sound like you-what's going on?I'm glad you got through your mother in law's visit unscathed. Yes,those little pills are good- make you feel drunk and a couldn't care less attitude. When I first walked into the chemo unit and saw everyone sitting in their chairs very quiet and sedate,I wanted to run. I said to my husband "I think they have all had lobotomys,feel like I'm in a scene from one flew over the cuckoo's nest".But I soon realized that they'd probably all had their chill pills well beforehand.I didn't get mine until after a few attempts at cannulation and me crawling up the wall and making a big scene.I'm sure they all looked and thought oh there's another new one protesting-give her a few hours on the iv and she'll be docile like the rest of us.

    Glad you got through yesterday's chemo ok.Take the chill pills but don't lose that wonderful fighting spirit that you have-or that wicked sense of humour!

                                    luv Tonya xx

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi  Tonya - I guess my 'subject line' answered that pretty well - I really have to fight to be well behaved (laughing out loud here!).  Yesterday was ok - I got the happy pills and goodness knows anything about the rest of the day - bit like being drunk for sure, because I had changed an appointment, written notes and completely forgotten that I had done any of it today........I came to a conclusion about 'chemo brain' - now here's a thought.  I don't think 'chemo brain' is caused by chemo as such, I believe it is caused by the fact your head is FULL, and you have a hard time concentrating with so much on your plate and the other thing is you are unwell - so add chemo to the mix and yup! Chemo brain.  I feel like I am in a fog - maybe that is why I behaved myself, so busy up there in my own little world and miles away.  My mother-in-law chattered constantly, so that was the biggest bug as I wanted to scream and say 'shut up!' but I couldn't do that because it wouldn't have been fair and she never gets to see her son much (lot more than I see my kids I can tell you) but never the less, I take it all into account and tell my self 'shuttup sherlock' and behave - I am thinking tomorrow night, I would fancy some bubbely - mmmmmm! Today I snuck into the fridge and had some malteezers with my green tea (now there's a combination!) but my favourite 'spoil me food' is Snowballs - apparently you can't get them in Queensland -but you can here in Victoria - they are kind of like a lamington - only instead of cake in the filling......its marshmellow, I nibble off the coconutty chocolate and then let the marshmellow melt in my mouth..............heaven! and I aint misbehavin'!  Well I am but I don't care!  As I look at anyone who dares to judge I say 'bite me!'    Yes I am a little naughty aren't I?  Care to join me any one? Love and hugs to all x x x Josie

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Josie,you keep going on about these snowballs that I will have to go buy some tomorrow.Just ate some chocolate now for the time being.I think you are drawing me to the dark side! When I had chemo,chocolate,tea and coffee were the first foods to go-couldn't taste them.So it's amazing you still have an appetite for those snowballs.And as for having bubbly tomorrow night-girl you must have a cast iron belly!Well don't let a little thing like chemo ruin your appetite!You go for it.

                                                           Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Josie,you keep going on about these snowballs that I will have to go buy some tomorrow.Just ate some chocolate now for the time being.I think you are drawing me to the dark side! When I had chemo,chocolate,tea and coffee were the first foods to go-couldn't taste them.So it's amazing you still have an appetite for those snowballs.And as for having bubbly tomorrow night-girl you must have a cast iron belly!Well don't let a little thing like chemo ruin your appetite!You go for it.

                                                           Tonya xx

  • sandyb
    sandyb Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Josie been reading about you liking the snowballs and has got me thinking about them,,, yum, we get them here in SA so off to the shop i go tomorrow, had my second round of chemo yesterday and must say i am much better this time round than i was the first, actually felt like eating tonight and yes i gave in to the chocolate and had 2 squares myself, even though yesterday the doctor (not my normal lovely oncologist) kept telling i should be trying to lose weight, i felt like telling him to shove it i have enough to worry about at the present moment everything else i will deal with later.

    Anyway enough of my carry on, hope all is going to plan (as much as it can do) for you. I can totally understand about your mother in law mine turns up unexpected half the time and then wants to stay for tea, watch Home and Away (which i never do) and then go on her return trip to Port Pirie, have totally stopped worrying about her driving all that way in the dark now. Her high light from her last visit was showing me her scare where she had to have some lumps removed from her breast, not cancer for her though, must say it was a bit of a shock when she showed me that lol.

    Anyway hope the chemo brain returns to normal for you soon and you get to have a snowball soon. Take care and big hugs.

    Sandy X

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Arh! Yes ladies, the wicked snowballs - how yummy, even with chemo mouth - I think I can actually 'believe' that I can still taste them - I think it is the whole 'naughtiness' of them that I love the most!  This is my second day after my second chemo and this time around I really feel like the wind has been knocked out of my sails - aching and tired and bleerrrrrrr!  I feel like my batteries are totally flat and it is all I can do to muster up the energy to write this blog.  This morning I tried to make the bed on my own (ha ha, who was I fooling!) and my husband came in to give me a hand, bless him.  Last night I cut up some veges to make an enormous pot of soup and finished doing that today but boy! it took some effort! I didn't know cutting up vegies could sap your strength so much (well it sure felt like it) but I got that done, pity I can't taste it! Probably will taste like my husband described as I was preparing it - 'vegetables with a bit of chicken in it' - (there is a whole half a chook in it mind you!) good on you hubby, always one to enhance my cooking ego, not!  You should see the size of the pot of soup - enough to feed an army no less!  If it tastes like crap, I have got enough to last me about six months, should see me through winter I am thinking!  It will be interesting to see what the flavour is like, I threw in four packets of chicken noodle soup for good measure (yes I can see a few people cracking up here!) Oh well, when the taste buds kick back in I will let you ladies know what it tastes like - I am thinking this could be really funny!


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Josie,

    Sounds like that soup has everything except the kitchen sink in it. You did really well to make it in your low energy state.Your taste buds will be up the creek now so won't matter what your soup tastes like.Hubby can just grin and bare it-or should I say eat it.You won't have to cook for a awhile now so you can take to your bed and hibernate the bad chemo days away.I lived off vegie soup when I couldn't eat much and I dropped 2kilos that first week of chemo.Shame I've put it back on and more some.It was my daughter's birthday today(27)and we went out for lunch at a nice gourmet pizza restaurant.That was followed by a visit to my mum and chocolate birthday cake.I think I've surpassed your innocent snowballs today and feel very naughty indeed.Now I'm thinking that we should have a chapter in that book called "bad habits of the bald and the beautiful". Well I hope you are resting up but keeping those blogging fingers active-  sending you a hug and positive thoughts your way.

                                                       Tonya xx

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    My first 5 days after chemo I do NOTHING - have a shower late in the day, make the bed and clean up the kitchen.  That's it.  I try and "prepare for hibernation" on my good days.  I have had quite a few good days this round so I will be as fat as a pig in mud with all the cooking.  On your good days, try and not do too much - our energy levels are not too high and get depleted very quickly as I have found the last couple of days.  I only have 6 more days until my next "dose" and I'm starting to "get edgey".  I think I like being well even if I run out of energy.  Hang in there until your good days come around.  I love your blogs but if you are unwell we can wait for updates. XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    My first 5 days after chemo I do NOTHING - have a shower late in the day, make the bed and clean up the kitchen.  That's it.  I try and "prepare for hibernation" on my good days.  I have had quite a few good days this round so I will be as fat as a pig in mud with all the cooking.  On your good days, try and not do too much - our energy levels are not too high and get depleted very quickly as I have found the last couple of days.  I only have 6 more days until my next "dose" and I'm starting to "get edgey".  I think I like being well even if I run out of energy.  Hang in there until your good days come around.  I love your blogs but if you are unwell we can wait for updates. XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    My first 5 days after chemo I do NOTHING - have a shower late in the day, make the bed and clean up the kitchen.  That's it.  I try and "prepare for hibernation" on my good days.  I have had quite a few good days this round so I will be as fat as a pig in mud with all the cooking.  On your good days, try and not do too much - our energy levels are not too high and get depleted very quickly as I have found the last couple of days.  I only have 6 more days until my next "dose" and I'm starting to "get edgey".  I think I like being well even if I run out of energy.  Hang in there until your good days come around.  I love your blogs but if you are unwell we can wait for updates. XLeonie

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Josie,

    I think some people can't handle the whole cancer thing or even just medical problems in general.They don't know what to say to you for fear of upsetting you or fear you might rabbit on about gory details or your emotions.This may make them feel uncomfortable to be around us.My 2 sisters have never had anything wrong with them and are not medically inclined.If I go into too much gory detail I can see them literally squirming in their chairs.They have avoided me somewhat.But that's ok because they really don't understand.I don't take it personally and hey,who wants to hang around a hypochondriac! I doubt that our unsympathetic ones  would be able to cope with what we've been through.I only "off load"to my true caring supporters and just talk about trivia with the others-the ones that CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH !

                         luv Tonya xx

  • JJoy
    JJoy Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Yes Tonya, I think you are right  - so much for 'awareness' eh! x x x Josie

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Well Josie,I think that's one for the book of tactless remarks.We are getting a collection now.

                                               Tonya xx

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    The same friend who I spoke about above,  (I have been more of a friend to her than she has ever been to me)  when she heard of my diagnosis said "Leonie, I will say a prayer for you, I now have a space because one on my list has passed away".  Now that made me feel better!!!!!!  They are everywhere. XLeonie