A smile to start the week -m

DearB Member Posts: 205


  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @DearB love it.  Bran new day, Bran new week. 
    I feel crap. I am arranging to see a counsellor this week. Planning also to follow up upon enhance 
    program. I am trying to see the bright side of life but at this moment I am finding life very trying

  • DearB
    DearB Member Posts: 205
    Ditto.  I am struggling to sleep and I have a lot to look forward too.    Like 2 more weeks off work and then a cruise
  • DearB
    DearB Member Posts: 205
    Sorry @fairydust. Please tell me more about the enhance program is that through royal Melbourne ?  Is it post treatment ?
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @DearB enhace programs are run by Epworth . I am  in Melbourne. They are progams after cancer to get you back on track.They are 2hours a week fo eight weeks. They are held in Camberwell and Hawthorn. 
    I am not sure what the universe is trying to tell me. I was going to do the program and instead had a motor cuff shoulder injury ...its healing .... for a while difficult to drive.
    Then I got a mental health plan from my doctor to see a counsellor. Finally rang her for an appointment.
    Guess what she is away till 30th of June.
    Getting away on a cruise sounds great perhaps I will join you. Best wishes

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,372
    Maybe we should all get on the boat @fairydust. Sorry to hear you are feeling like crap.

    I saw my onc yesterday, I've had meetings with all my 'team' in the last week to try to sign off on everything so I can get on with my life. He has now decided I need physio because my fricking feet won't work... Hello? Was I not begging for this months ago? TBH, I'm not sure if I can be bothered, I've googled my little heart out and have concocted a stretching and exercise program though I have no idea if it is working. Assuming I can get an appointment with this individual it will mean more hours in the car...I'm so over the whole shitfight.

    I also had my last lecture yesterday, they were hanging on about mission and vision statements. I've got a mission, I want to be well enough that I never, ever, have to let someone I don't know and like touch me. Ever again.
  • DearB
    DearB Member Posts: 205
    @fairydust and @zoffiel.  Yes join me on cruise. For me it will be a fortnight away from googling worst case scenarios as well and that will be nice.   

    @zoffiel I like your mission statement and that sounds doable