Strange itch.
Many years ago I had axillary clearance with a mastectomy. Today I have the weirdest itch. I am numb where my lymph noes were removed so I cannot scratch the itch, even though it is so very itchy.
Time is of the essence
Hi I was diagnosed 15th Jan 2019 with DCIS. Appointment with the surgeon is booked for 3 weeks time, but I'm freaking out as this time frame for me seems extensive, is it? How long has others waited from diagnosis to appointment with their surgeon? Am I worrying, when there is little need? Thanks in advance :)
Preventative mastectomy decision - young mum
Hello, Are there any young mums out there, without BRCA, who have chosen to have a preventative mastectomy of the other side at the time of reconstruction? I am a young 34yo mum who was diagnosed with BC, stage 2-3, 30% Oestrogen and 100%HER Pos. This last year I have gone through chemo, surgery and radiation and as I gear…
Lumpectomy and deodorant
hi ladies. Lumpectomy on Wednesday. What do I do/don’t do about deodorants? Natural, stick, all that. Also there’ll be radiation. Can anyone firstly tell me what to do/not do and then recommend a brand? Thanks.
Actually sitting here laughing out loud
I've heard so much about the Zonta cushion so I went online to have a look - and I'm thinking (because I haven't had any experience with BC surgery yet - coming up on 7 April) how on earth could that possibly help? I mean, why would you wear a cushion around your neck like that? And then I googled images and I realised…
Post mastectomy discomfit
My mum had her right breast and lymph node removal two years ago. After treatment finished she decided to have the other breast removed as a precaution and to make it easier in regards to prosthetics. Her first surgery she had very little discomfort. She is now four weeks post her second breast removal and in considerable…
Rooky question about private hospiral procedures
My surgery is tomorrow at a private hospital. I know my gap fee for both surgeon and anaesthetist. I’m having the guide wire localisation procedure and also the sentinel node mapping procedure prior to surgery. Will there be additional costs for these? It’s just occurred to me that no one has mentioned them.
Insensitive GP comments....
Diagonosed in July 2017 then went onto to have a double mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction. Am yet to have nipple reconstruction as was sick of surgery and procedures plus am very comfortable with my body the way it is. Maybe one day I will go back for them. But in the meantime breasts look so natural in bathers and…
Why was I kept in the dark?
On Dec 4th 2015 I had my first mastectomy. I was told very little really. They told me I had the largest tumor they had ever seen and how oh so lucky I was. Yeah... really???) To this very day, I still have not been told what kind of breast cancer I had/have. Every other person I have ever talked to, they have known what…
Advice on making treatment decisions
Hi all. I thought this would all be cut and dry. Im still waiting after x3 appointments with surgeons for a recommended treatment plan. They were waitng to MRI results as iver xmas the radioligist went on holidays so last weeks appointment i was told i coukd probably choose masectomy or lumpectomy but lets see. So i leave…