Anyone else on Herceptin & Perjeta indefinately???
Hi Ladies Hope everyone is doing well, it has been ages since I last visited. I was wondering if there are many out there who are undergoing herceptin and perjeta treatment every 3 weeks with no end date like myself. I have now been doing it since about April 2016 and while my side effects are fairly minimal; I have…
Long Term side effects of Xeloda
I have been on Xeloda since November 2014. My oncologist wants me to consider stopping it as they don't know the long term effects of this drug and to start taking taking hormone tablets. I was first diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in April 2011 and then stage 4 in July 2013. I have very few side effects and feel so…
Ode to missing hair
Hi All! Half way along on my 12 weekmy taxol, monthly Herceptin regime. The hair started falling out after about week 3. I didn’t think this was going to be a big problem for me, was looking forward to trying all sorts of interesting headwear. The reality, though, has been quite confronting, and by far the hardest thing to…
Movement in arm
I had a bilateral mastectomy & axillary lymph node clearance 3 weeks ago. I’ve lost some movement in my arm & have numbness on the back of my arm. I’ve been doing the exercises the physio gave me while in hospital & was wondering how long it will take to get good movement back & if the numbness will go.
Chemo discontinued
Hi I was 2 rounds into my chemo when I got a staf infection in my surgery site (double mastectomy) After a couple of admissions to hospital on drips and veri flow treatment and surgery , I had missed rounds 3 and 4 of chemo however I was able to continue on herceptin. It has been decided to take me off the chemo and…