My Nose will not stop running!
Hi Everyone, Have had 2 rounds of AC chemo. Every morning my nose runs constantly until about 1.00pm. I am so sick of wiping, sniffing (don't mean to sniff). I have had some little sores pop up in my nose I put some Vaseline on but it's wiped off in no time. Is there anything I can take to stop the runny nose. When I…
The tears are driving me mad
Hello i am 4 year survivor and have been on tamoxifen the four years. i am fed up with flushes, feeling like utter crap, NO libido (can’t remember what intimacy with my husband feels like) mood swings and generally just over life. unfortunately I also have rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes so completely over…
TED talk on menopause and the brain
15 minute talk on the effects of menopause on the brain https://youtu.be/JJZ8z_nTCZQ
Feeling anxious about Letrazole and Radiation
I have been blessed with a very good GP, after a clear mammogram my GP referred me for an ultrasound due to a strong family history of cancer. At that ultrasound I was found to have a small tumour. I have recently had a wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy and yesterday I found out my margins were clear, stage 2…
Hi I have been on Armidex for 6 years and I get really bad pain in my heel of my foot some days does anyone else experience this? Also I am thinking of getting off it now due to not sleeping well but am worried about recurrence. I have put on 10kg since I was diagnosed 6 years ago at 47 years old and worried if I don’t get…