TED talk on menopause and the brain

KarynJ Member Posts: 193
15 minute talk on the effects of menopause on the brain


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    Great talk, thanks @KarynJ

    It's. not all in our minds!!  ;) 
  • KarynJ
    KarynJ Member Posts: 193
    We're finally getting some science around it.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Excellent talk.  However,  again with the phytoestrogens.  This really pisses me off so much that nobody is studying these things in realation to hormone sensitive BC.  What if they actually don't do anything bad then at least we'd have some options to try instead of the usual answer of "we don't know so you better avoid these things". Ass covering at it's finest I think.
     How the heck do we convince someone to do the studies.  There is sure as hell enough of us out there to do some homework.  What if it was as simple as taking something like menopause ease or remifen to settle these side effects???  How many more people would stay on their drugs?
    Fantastic...... have some chemo, nuke the cancer and as a special prize you can have instant menopause, brain malfunction, some alzheimers and dementia and there's nothing you can do about it.............FTS rant over Aggghhhhh 
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    It’s all so confusing.I was reading up on nutrition and some sites recommend phytoestrogens in the form of soy products etc because they prevent oestrogen binding to receptor sites or some such. Couldn’t really understand but there is so much contradiction in information. If 3/4 of all breast cancers are hormone positive why don’t we have more answers? I don’t want to just accept meekly the degradation of my brain, not to mention my nether regions, now that my oestrogen has been so rudely cut off. But there’s nothing I can do except the usual ‘eat well and exercise.’
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    @eat well and exercise is apparenlty the answer to everything.  If that was actually true all the good people that do those things would never get cancer right? We know that's not true.  The last thing I read about soy was they were looking into to the ages of people.  e.g over use of soy in infant formula and pre puberty females was looking not so flash for BC.  Synthetic versions added to foods etc not so good either vs the naturally occuring stuff.  I got bored reading as the study was very long and contradictory depending on where the information came from. Plus it was 10 yrs old. 
    I haven't been able to find anything recent, but then again I've stopped looking as it's all just too confusing. This is it if you have time to slog through it.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Thank heavens I didn’t hear any of this when facing menopause! My menopause was ‘natural’ (ie long before bc diagnosis and treatment) and was almost entirely symptom free. My GP at the time said that the best indicator of likely menopausal symptoms was your mother’s experience and that was certainly true for me. May be rubbish though. I had no hot flushes or anything else, my periods petered out and I had one heavy bleed after a pause (‘one last hurrah’ as my GP put it) and that was it. In the two decades post menopause, I took on three demanding jobs which I don’t think I could have done earlier - people management was paramount, as was inventive thinking. I’m with @kezmusc, let’s see some more, focussed research,  including why some women don’t have debilitating side effects. Is it all in the genes or what? 
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    I was I was looking forward to a symptom free menopause like my mother had at about the age of 53 but chemo brutally took that hope away at 47. You are right kezmusc - if eating well and exercise were all it took I, and many others, wouldn’t be where we are right now. I was a poster girl for healthy living before this. Fat lot of good it did. Still, I carry on still jogging and watching everything that goes in my mouth hoping to at least keep the rest of body going for as long as I can. I sure feel like my brain is suffering though but probably can’t blame it on lack of oestrogen yet. More like nasty drugs.