Feel like my head is spinning
Hi, I've been newly diagnosed on 20/12 too. am feeling very overwhelmed too. my head is spinning See the surgeon on Saturday part of me wants to get it over as quick as possible and part of me wants to forget it ever happened
Lumpy after lumpectomy
hey ladies- im new here. Diagnosed 30th sept. Triple positive. Lumpectomy 13th oct. im 33. My left breast where i had the surgery is still lumpy as anything. My breast care nurses have told me its post op healing still so its normal. The lumps are hard in some spots, my full body scan post chemo gave me the all clear on…
My mum- 46 yr old, grade 3 IDC- Lumpectomy surgery today
Hi Everyone, I'm 27 and my mum (46 years) has recently been diagnosed with a 14mm (pre surgery) grade 3 IDC and is about to have her lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy today. We wont know what stage and hormone status she is until the 29th. To give a bit of a background, her nanna and mum have both had breast cancer, with…
Peripheral papilloma
Hi all. Going for lumpectomy surgery for 7cm peripheral papilloma next week. Surgeon said they will remove 10cm by 10cm triangle to try to get clear margins. Surgeon said 80% dont require additional surgery. Takes a week after that to get results. Does anyone know much about PP? Risks, scarring, recovery time etc Thank…
Letrozole and Milk Thistle
My Oncologist changed my tablets from Arimidex to Femara (I take the generic Letrozole) about 7 weeks ago as I was having lots of side effects on Arimidex. About the same time I started on Milk Thistle to help the liver but now have been reading it may not be the best thing to take while on the Letrozole. Does anyone…
Just need someone to talk to.....
Hello! Since my my diagnosis in Feb this year I have read through online discussions but never had the confidence to join in. After being up all night looking up websites etc I have decided my time would be better spent seeking support rather than looking up scary statistics (I know! Everyone tells me to stop looking up…
Am I over reacting
ever since my aunt had a 10 year battle with breast cancer in the 90s which took her life, I have always believed I would opt for double mastectomy if I was ever diagnosed. That day has come. Tests are completed and Surgery options will be discussed with the surgeon on Monday. Everything I read indicates a lumpectomy for…
Motivation lacking
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed and am booked for a lumpectomy early next week. The good news is it has been found early and at this stage I will only need the lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Apparently a second op may be needed after pathology but hopefully this won't be the case. So it's looking at the easier end of treatment at…
feeling nauseous 3 months after lumpectomy is this normal
Hi guys Just wondering if anyone else ever feels really naueous. Is this normal? I have not done chemo or radium or herceptin just the lumpectomy. A couple of times a week I feel really ill and worry about this. I have just had a pet scan and all clear so I am concerned to why I feel really ill sometimes. It does pass. Any…