Emotions - the adventure begins
Wow! I have a strong family history of breast cancer and other women's cancer, but I never really thought it would happen to me. It's been 16 days of shock, sadness, anger, tears and laughter. after a mammogram and ultrasound I was diagnosed with Infiltrating Lobular carcinoma on 25/12/15. Then I had to take that news and…
Making The Breast Of It
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2015, three months before my 60th birthday. I consider myself very lucky that it was caught early, through a routine mammogram. I have had a lumpectomy and one lymph node removed (which was clear) and am shortly to start 4 weeks radiation. Every morning I wake up grateful for my…
Breast Cancer Diagnosis Today
Hi All! So today, on my 39th birthday, (yep happy birthday to me) I was told I have breast cancer. A 10mm Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (Grade 3) All of this means not a lot to me. I have seen the specialist and been advised to read the Guide for Women with Early Breast Cancer and talk to others in the assistance of making a…
first post
Hi everyone, I have been reading this site so much since I was told I had breast cancer just before christmas so I know I am not alone with the shock the initial panic and despair that I felt. I have never felt so scared and so ultimately alone. I was in surgery for the lumpectomy days after diagnosis and now have had my…