first post

Hi everyone, I have been reading this site so much since I was told I had breast cancer just before christmas so I know I am not alone with the shock the initial panic and despair that I felt.
I have never felt so scared and so ultimately alone. I was in surgery for the lumpectomy days after diagnosis and now have had my second round of chemo.
My 12 year old was so scared initially and has just started high school so we have worked through a lot of it and we are all trying to cope with the new 'normal'.
I have weeks of chemo ahead and so far I am managing.I have found that I feel really tired and wiped out the first week then start emerging from the fog around day 8 or so. I have no idea when I will be back at work.
I am already feeling that this is changing me so much...anyway thanks for listening, this is a wonderful community full of fantastic advice and it has helped me a lot.
Welcome Lisboy and so sorry you find yourself on this site. It's your second family now. There is nothing that someone out here does not understand. You will amaze yourself how cancer does change us but I tend to think for the better. It must be awful for your 12yr old but strangely I think children have a natural ability to empathise and be a great support. I have 5 children the youngest being 23yrs old but also a grand-daughter who lived with me for the first 4 years of her life so I was the second parent. She is now 4.6 and off to school next week. She has been fabulous. Losing my hair and then both very large breasts.......I still love you Grand-ma and when my hair started to grow back she would check daily and tell me what colour. I wore make up for her mothers wedding last Saturday (something I have not done for 1.5yrs) and she said "grand-ma your eyes are so beautiful". I am off next week for brain surgery and have been gearing her up for that. I am unlucky and have been upgraded free of charge to Stage 4 lol! One day at a time, be kind to yourself and have a good cry every now and then. You will be fine, love and cyber hugs Sarah54
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Welcome Lisboy and so sorry you find yourself on this site. It's your second family now. There is nothing that someone out here does not understand. You will amaze yourself how cancer does change us but I tend to think for the better. It must be awful for your 12yr old but strangely I think children have a natural ability to empathise and be a great support. I have 5 children the youngest being 23yrs old but also a grand-daughter who lived with me for the first 4 years of her life so I was the second parent. She is now 4.6 and off to school next week. She has been fabulous. Losing my hair and then both very large breasts.......I still love you Grand-ma and when my hair started to grow back she would check daily and tell me what colour. I wore make up for her mothers wedding last Saturday (something I have not done for 1.5yrs) and she said "grand-ma your eyes are so beautiful". I am off next week for brain surgery and have been gearing her up for that. I am unlucky and have been upgraded free of charge to Stage 4 lol! One day at a time, be kind to yourself and have a good cry every now and then. You will be fine, love and cyber hugs Sarah54
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Hi Lisboy, Jess from BCNA here - just wanted to say hello/welcome to the online network.
I hope the network gives you a place to connect with others and share your experiences. Just want to let you know that If you need a hand with anything just give me a shout :-)
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Hi welcome to this site I have found it helps to read other posts it makes me feel so not alone.
It is a long trip but there is a light at the end somewhere, I also had chemo and it was tough but I'm on the other side and so will you. I'm having my first mamogram Friday, a bit nervous but it has to be done.
Take care of yourself and drink plenty of fluids and rest, listen to your body it will tell you when you need to rest.
Give your daughter lots of hugs you both need themxxx
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Thank you Donna
Yes a difficult age! She is a lovely girl and my husband and I have talked about it with her and she came into hospital with me( first week of chemo I ended up in hospital with a temp). Once she saw that I am getting on with treatment and coping ok she was much reassured.
Lisa0 -
Thank you so much Sarah54.
I really appreciate your kind words and truly wish you all the best for your surgery. I agree children are amazing and my daughter has been so loving and helpful especially when I'm feeling blah post chemo. cyber hugs to you for next week
Lisa0 -
Thank you Rowdy
Yes other posts are really helpful and I've been reading a lot of them. It is great you are out the other side of the treatment. Good luck with the mammogram on Friday.
Lisa0 -
Thanks Jess0