Anxiety is a BITCH - as is depression
ANXIETY IS A BITCH All because someone said or did something, along comes that feeling, the tight chest, the unease etc... sometimes you don't even know what triggered it, it just hits you. Then you feel anxious about the anxiety! This in turn can lead to depression. So - That is how it starts - and the first step would be…
Diagnosed 6 years ago but constantly feel tired. They told me I wouldn't feel like this after 2 years. Anyone else have issues and what do you do
Hi again, happy weekend to you all. I had my Lumpectomy last Monday and feel I am recovering well. Just a question thou, I have IDC, could that have been causing Fatigue for a while as it has been growing?
Post-active treatment fatigue
I treated myself to a sleeping pill last night, went to bed early (for me), didn't have to get up for anything this morning, and so had 10 hours sleep. Woke up three times, but nonetheless it was fab. At 1.30pm I went to an opening day of a new yoga centre that focuses on healing, and particularly healing from trauma. They…
"We know that as many as 6 in 10 cancer survivors have problems of insomnia, which is up to three times the rate found in the general population." @SoldierCrab pointed out the Survivorship Center and I found this leaflet in their resources: Can-Sleep making night time sleep problems go away from the Peter MacCallum Cancer…
Spoons of energy
Timing of Radiation Treatment
Hi all, How long should I wait before having radiation treatment.?? Have lovely 3 week overseas trip booked prior to getting diagnosis of DCIS in left breast in Jan. Very quickly had DCIS removed - recently got the all clear. Can start radiation within 4 weeks of operation but leave for trip two weeks after radiation…
Emotional about DCIS and Potential Fatigue
I really empathise with a comment I read on this forum recently "I don't want to think of this as a big deal, but for some reason it kinda feels like a big deal." I was going to add my comments to that thread but that would have been hijacking someone else's discussion, so I thought I would start again. I was recently…
Where did my gratitude go? I swear I left it right here somewhere...
can anyone relate to that feeling of getting through a bloody battle of all the treatment, the horror, the fight, and then that awesome feeling of sheer happy gratitude after it’s over? and you wanted to grab everyone and hug them and swore you’d never let a single second go by without being thrilled to be alive and not…