Does life go back to normal?
Hi! thanks to BCN for putting me onto this discussion page. I was diagnosed with ER, PR & HER2+ breast cancer June 2024 at the age of 53yrs. Had surgery to remove two (R) breast aggressive tumours, three months of chemo and 4 weeks of radiation. I’m now on Anastrozole. I feel I got off lightly and just thought I’d get back…
Chronic fatigue on Tamoxifen
Hi all, l am a year out from finishing chemo and almost a year after a double mastectomy. I am still experiencing chronic fatigue and am now certain it's from Tamoxifen, as l have changed the time of day, l am taking it and the fatigue has moved from the afternoon to morning. I am considering changing it to the morning and…
Chemobrain, fatigue and long covid
HI Im wondering if anyone has had covid and it has made their fatigue and chemobrain worse and how they have coped? Im 5 years post lumpectomy ,chemo, radio for ER pos breast cancer and have just almost got over my chemo brain.Ive been living almost hermit like avoiding covid for fear of exacerbating my chemobrain ..Im…
Newly diagnosed DCIS
Diagnosed on the 25th October after a routine mammogram- no lumps/symptoms. Waiting now to be booked in for a mastectomy + reconstruction. No longer feel numb but the shock remains.
Been taking letrozole for over a year with no side effects but the last 2 months been getting fatigue in an afternoon but last few days really struggling to stay awake. Is this commen after taken meds for this long.
Newly diagnosed
Hello I'm newly diagnosed as of last week,I see my surgeon this coming Tuesday. My head is still spinning with my diagnosis.Ive started to write down questions for my surgeon but its so hard to no where to start with it all . Any suggestions of information I may need would be greatly appreciated.. Sending love to all 💖
Extreme weakness!
Ladies please tell me this won't last ,, im only a week into my first cycle and im struggling to be on my feet for more than a minute or two. Thursday I could barely lift my head to drink. Is it the Docetaxel, Cisplatin and Herceptin? My Oncologist must think im a super hero.. No nausea as yet, but mild belly pain and…
For some as a result of diagnosis and treatment the effect on our memory can be distressing - fatigue or chemo induced or anything else in between, stress, anxiety, menopause! I have a sister who has early onset Dementia and on the road to diagnosis she was seen by a health professional, Neuro Psychologist. She has written…