Chronic fatigue on Tamoxifen

Member Posts: 1 ✭
Hi all, l am a year out from finishing chemo and almost a year after a double mastectomy. I am still experiencing chronic fatigue and am now certain it's from Tamoxifen, as l have changed the time of day, l am taking it and the fatigue has moved from the afternoon to morning. I am considering changing it to the morning and maybe the fatigue will be while l am sleeping. Has anyone experienced this and have any advice? I would really appreciate it, l want to improve my quality of life!!!
Fatigue is quite common as we get through Breast Cancer treatment
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@suzieq28h check with your oncologist. Yes fatigue is common but if you also have breathlessness or other side effects please talk to your oncologist as you may be able to look at something to help you or other meds if appropriate. I was on tamoxifen and for me it was crippling so I switched to Letrozole and had no side effects. Best wishes1
Hi @suzieq
I am on tamoxifen too, and found the fatigue crippling for the first 10-12weeks after starting it, orc recommencing. The fatigue then settled, although I still get tired and struggle if there's too much activity, social, work, or home. I take mine first thing in the morning. Also, my dose is 20mg, and I stick to the Sandoz brand.0