First consultation for DCIS - private or public?
I was diagnosed a few weeks ago with low-grade DCIS, showing up in 2 clusters of microcalcifications on my right friedegg. All quite sudden given I'm 42 and was expecting to be chased away from BreastScreen NSW telling me it was cysts, which has happened to me previously. Instead, I got the works (mammo, ultrasound, biopsy…
Things worth remembering
Ruth Hunt, in Perth, has published a letter to herself, about the things she would have found valuable to know earlier, before metastatic cancer, It seemed to me a really good list for almost anyone. Her circumstances are very sad, but she has found a way of looking at the best of her life. A link to the full letter is at…
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October this year. Previously, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma (this is a form of blood cancer) and underwent (ABVD) chemotherapy and (full mantle) radiotherapy. I was wondering if anyone on this forum had undergone treatment for a different type of cancer prior to being…
Have you lost a ‘friend’ due to BC?
I think that many of us have already lost, or may lose someone they considered ‘a friend’ before we were diagnosed with BC .... and it IS very hurtful and perplexing .... made more difficult particularly if you’d helped them thru a family or illness previously .... This is a thoughtful piece on the loss of a friend thru BC…
Help with decision on breast reconstruction
Hi, Last February in Townsville I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was not in the nodes, but had spread from the ducts. Because of COVid19 I had three lots of surgery in March. The first was a lumpectomy, then the surgeon realised there was still some remaining in the breast so she went in a week later, removed the…
The Breast Cancer Trials Q&A event - Breast Cancer 2020: The Medicine, The Myths and The Mind
Hello all, I found the following online discussions very interesting, and somehow reassuring.* Breast Cancer Trials: Research Update – Associate Professor Prue Francis * Breast Cancer Myths – Dr Nicholas Zdenkowski * Mental Health and Breast Cancer – Associate Professor Lesley Stafford * Breast Cancer Recurrence –…
Isolation and staying happy
Today’s my Birthday 🎂. I received a lovely message from Jennyss wishing me a HB🌹 thank you so much xxx today is also the day I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It’s a day I’ll always remember but am so grateful for . very blessed to be here . I hope you’re all staying safe and well in theses challenging times ♥️♥️♥️
Solid Papillary Carcinoma
Anyone else have a diagnosis of Solid Papillary Carcinoma. I keep getting told this is unusual, not common, "we're not sure, but....". Doesn't fill me with confidence that my treatment is going to be effective. Have chosen not to have chemo as sentinel lymph had only 200 cancer cells and second lymph none. Also oncologist…
Anyone else had a PICC line?
Friday Update From The Roller Coaster!
While I sit here at the top of my Roller Coaster, with my ear phones belting out Hot Chocolate's "You Sexy Thing", I thought I would update the week that was.... I have even handed over the Remote Control to the Hubby....He has been watching some monotonous toned show about some equally monotonously boring hypothetical…