Solid Papillary Carcinoma

TerryTee Member Posts: 14
edited July 2020 in Newly diagnosed
Anyone else have a diagnosis of Solid Papillary Carcinoma.  I keep getting told this is unusual, not common, "we're not sure, but....".  Doesn't fill me with confidence that my treatment is going to be effective.  Have chosen not to have chemo as sentinel lymph had only 200 cancer cells and second lymph none.  Also oncologist said there's not much research about the effects of chemo on SPC so could not give me "more than 3%, and realistically less than 1%" success rates as there wasn't enough research to base treatment on.  Feeling confused and worried that I'm making right choices.  Radiation commences next week for 4 weeks.


  • TillyBilly
    TillyBilly Member Posts: 37
    Sorry I can’t help medical wise, I’m sure there may be someone on here who can, but I hope all goes well 😀
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    I didn’t have your type of cancer, I had IDC with also one node affected, only 1mm isolated so doctors were not worried about it. I decided against chemo as without oncotype DX test benefits showed barely 1%. I feel side effects were much bigger than benefit. I am also about to start radiotherapy and Letrozole, which stops cells from growing, which should work better than chemo in my case. So not sure if there’s other treatment your doc has offered for your cancer, but I think with such a low percent chemo is not necessary. My onco agreed with this (for me). Good luck!
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Hi @TerryTee,
    If you can get a copy of your pathology report, it may help answer some of your questions re Grade, Stage etc. My GP also gave me copies of the correspondence from the surgeon, radiation oncologist and medical oncologist - so that I felt I was not in the dark. I also decided against chemo as the Oncotype test result indicated less than 1% benefit.