Cracked Rib !!!!!
Hi All, Just wondering if anyone else has cracked a rib couching after having chemo and rads? I recently had a bad cold and cough and it seems that i have cracked a rib having a coughing fit!! I went to the Drs a few weeks ago and they gave me anti infalmmatories and said if no better then have an XRay . Well no better so…
Cold caps, triple negative and FEC-D
Hi all, I had my first oncology appointment today and chemo is planned. I’m having FEC-D treatment (for triple negative bc). The cold cap is also being offered. Has anyone used the cold cap with this particular treatment? Was it effective and was it worth it?
Check with arms up infront of mirror ladies. Tamworth NSW
My mammograms are all up to date. My last one was in May 2018. It was the 6th October a Saturday evening as I stood in front of the mirror bare from the waist up and reached above my head to tie up my long hair, I noticed a very slight indentation happen under my nipple on my left breast, I thought it was unusual, so I…
first week after Chemo
The side effects from my chemo have had a severe effect on my bowels and I need to be close to a toilet. Thus I am unable to work. I understand it is only one week, but I am not coping. I see all these people who are having/had the same chemo as me and continue to work. I find this frustrating. Why can't I be like those…
Spreading awareness/fundraising
Just wanted to say hi to everyone 👋🏻 I'm 33 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in June this year. I have 3 more chemos to go and will start radiation in January. I am really keen to do some fundraising or get involved spreading awareness some how but not sure where to start and how to go about it? Any help or ideas would…
So here I was thinking that once the chemo was over and I started feeling better then it was full steam ahead! I guess that was a bit naive of me and I should have known better. This morning I was okay as I have been for the last week. This afternoon I crashed, physically, emotionally and mentally. Hubby came home tonight,…
chemo and day to day
Its me again, sorry I haven't been on here for a while, just an update on my progress, so this Thursday will be my 5th TCH chemo treatment, I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel! just one more after that then just herceptin injections and start on tamoxifen for 5 years. I had to cancel my trip to UK in December…