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chemo and day to day

dougal's avatar
7 years ago
Its me again, sorry I haven't been on here for a while, just an update on my progress, so this Thursday will be my 5th TCH chemo treatment, I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel! just one more after that then just herceptin injections and start on tamoxifen for 5 years. I had to cancel my trip to UK in December because of treatment but my family will still go, so a little anxious about being home alone after final chemo, but saying that, it means I only have myself to look after and I won't have to worry about all the christmas shopping and food! The side effects, mainly fatigue and really achy muscles everywhere (not sure if its the chemo or neulasta injection causing it) seem to hang around longer with each treatment.

I would just like to say to all the new ladies starting out on this journey, it really is manageable and you do adjust after the initial shock of diagnosis into a routine of what lies ahead, the time goes fast and there is a cloud up there with a silver lining. If there is anyone in Perth, north of the river, would love to meet up for a coffee.
Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Wish I lived over your way & could join you for a cuppa. 
    Such a big year for you. You will miss your family but how wonderful of you to want them to go. I rather like my own company but please make sure you spend Christmas Day with some special friends. 
    Rest up as much as possible. 
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