DC chemo reaction change to AC
Hi wanting to know if anyone had a bad reaction to their first chemo. Within 5 minutes so much so that they stopped the infusion and are changing my regime to AC. I can’t seem to find much about the differences between the two and hoping some bright person on here may know. It has really thrown me for a loop mentally as I…
Newbie triple negative
Hi everyone I was diagnosed in December with triple negative bc. I’ve been visiting this wonderful forum probably daily, but have only now had the courage to join. I’m currently having fortnightly dose dense ac chemo, about to have my third round and am feeling really anxious about it. I found the second round a lot more…
Supporting a loved one with post-cancer depression
Hi there, I'm looking for some guidance as to supporting a loved one who has developed symptoms of depression after surviving breast cancer. She has actually experienced breast cancer twice, as well as losing a close friend to metastatic breast cancer, all before the age of 50. Since completing chemotherapy the last time,…
Eyebrows post chemo. Will they come back?
I had thin eyebrows pre-chemo. But now I have none, one year post completion of treatment. Does anyone have suggestions or information? Could it be the Letrazole? I have eyebrow tattoos already.
I'm bloody tired... Peri menopause, or Chemo fatigue nearly two years post treatments!
Hi Warriors, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 October 2018 aged 42, Lumpectomy, 2 nodes cleared and the four rounds of TC Chemo, and Rads that I finished late April 2019. I'm not on any long term medications as I cannot tolerate any of them as they exacerbate my other hormonal condition PMDD. I think I got through all of this…
Everolimus and Exemestane combo
De novo 4 years ago. Been on Ribociclib and Anastrozle past 2 years . Progression so oncologist has suggested Everolimus and Exemestane. Any feedback would be great thanks. Side effects manageable?