Forum Discussion

primek's avatar
9 years ago

Returning to work

I went into work today to give them another certificate for a month off work.

I finished chemo 3 weeks ago and was expecting to be able to return this week but am struggling with the fatigue.  I have good days then have really bad days.

The trouble is I feel a bit unsupported. My Dr thinks it is all just about mental health so is sending me to a psychologist...despite an average result in mood measuring (and this was just after gene testing).  My boss even though is trying to act supportive I just feel isn't.  They just don't  get it. Chemo over so what's the issue?

I've  worked myself to breaking point in the past...and I will not do that again ever. But the guilt of looking after me is compounded  by my thoughts peope just think I am making it up. Well I am guessing this of course. Why don't  people get it? The problem is ...well..I am not dreadfully fact gained lots of weight on don't  look sick. I wore makeup throughout treatment so always had a healthy glow. I guess it's like a hidden disability.

Talking about it just makes you sound like a whinger. I've  even posted fatigue links after chemo on facebook but it doesn't  seemed to have helped.

Anyone have any suggestions for improving fatigue and having others understand.

I am attempting  exercise at least every 2nd day. Hoping to get to daily soon.
