Just home from treatment newly diagnosed



  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Thinking of you today @Bowie

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Hello @Bowie letting you know I'm sending you energy to get thru today hugs xxx
  • Bowie
    Bowie Member Posts: 25
    Good evening to all you beautiful brave people ..My day has been a little better ..l have got out of bed a bit ..but just want to stay there as it my comfort zone ..l forced my self a shower and felt so vulnerable kept looking  at my boobs and thinking l just feel like  I'm on planet cancer never to return to the life l had 3 weeks ...ago l feel strange and weird .like someone else has entered my body ...l hope that does not  sound insane ,,but yes I'm still scared ..l go to,see my surgeon next Wednesday for results and treatment from the lumpectomies ..l feel all my friends are going away no one has come to visit ..apart from one person ..l,feel so alone ... maybe they don't no how to deal with it ...Yes it would be nice to have someone to just snuggle up,to at night and tell me it will be ok....l still don't understand how you are all getting through this l fear l won't have the strengh and will give up ..yes l know it's a shit thing to think ..Hopefully tomorrow will be better ..Sending all my love to you all .take good care xxxxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Bowie thinking of you...everything you just said makes complete sense and I touched on in my post, so sending an extra hug! You'll surprise yourself and I dont say that lightly, I say that as someone who has done it twice and felt like giving up a million times over...but you will rise like you never have please believe me, you are not alone! Melinda xo
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Hi @Bowie - taking it just one day at a time...even one hour at a time, is sometimes the best way. Sending hugs xxx

  • Myjourney
    Myjourney Member Posts: 32
    If there is someone you can reach out to whom lives near you send them a txt and say you are struggling and could you talk.  Just talk...we are/have been where you are...I kept feeling I was not going to make it...kept repeating it, it's fear of the unkown with your results.  Once you have the results then your surgeon will make a plan.  Once you have a plan you have direction and even more support.

    call BCNA tommorrow and ask for contact details of support group closest to you, just have to call. Xx
  • Bowie
    Bowie Member Posts: 25
    Good morning to you all ..Thankyou again for your kind words and love and understanding ..l have read so many posts over the last couple of days ..Forgive me if l don't comment l may press awesome or like l just feel  l don't have much knowledge or mental capacity to answer ..or may say the wrong thing ....But believe me l take every word to heart and still cling on to the encouragement , bravery ,and hope all of you give me ...Loads of love to you all ..Wishing everybody a better day xxxxxxx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @Bowie you are very safe we all get and understand those stages...
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Hey @Bowie  - don't worry about "saying the wrong thing".....you don't need to second guess yourself here. People understand if you're angry, confused, upset, worried. Sometimes it's just easier, and better, to get it out. Hope today is a bit better than yesterday  <3
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    See? You are hangin in there. You can do it. Be kind to yourself and don't over do things. Not in your peak, nor in your worst but somewhere in the middle is a good spot to be. Time helps a lot. Rather than a journey I tend to think of it as an evolution. You won't be the same old you but they new you might end up wayyyy cooler. <3