Newbie here, my story so far...

Hi, i joined this site a few weeks back and thought it was about time i posted something. My story so far is,
I found a lump and had it checked on the 3rd august, they did a biospy on the 4th aug and the results were that it was an invasive ductal carcinoma and oestrogen receptor positive.
An ultrasound & biopsy on the 15th aug of the lymph nodes in the armpit showed at least one enlarged node.
Had surgery on the 19th august to remove lump and all level 1 & 2 lymph nodes. Got the results back this week and they said there was only one lymph node with cancer out of the 16 they took and the margin on the 3cm lump they removed was clear...
Going back this week to meet with the docs to get the tretment plan, already know they are going to hit me with it all though chemo, radio and hormone therapy...
Has been a rollor coaster since the begining of this month and they have moved so fast that i dont think i have really taken it all in yet....
I have been reading all your posts on here and have learnt so much, its great to have so much support it makes the journey so much easier )
Hi Kellie
Thankyou for sharing your story. Sorry you had to join us, but hope you find support and answers here.
Yours is a very similar diagnosis to mine. 16 nodes taken, one positive. My tumour was 2.7 and estrogen positive. Mine was back in 2007 and I am doing well now. It seems like such a long time ago and now feels like something that happened to someone else.
Things will seem a lot clearer once you have a treatment plan. Let us know how you get on at the doctors.
Tanya xx
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Thanks Tanya,
So what can i expect in regards to the often did you have it and how many cycles?
I know every case is different but would be good to have some idea of what i should expect...
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Hey Kellie, welcome and hope you are doing ok. I have a similar story where I had a 2cm clear margin and my nodes were all clear and yet, due to being under 40 they do tend to err on the side of caution and do the whole treatment.
It all happens so quickly doesnt it? I found great comfort in this site and to be honest I get more out of these sisters than my own onc sometimes!
let us all know how you go with your treatment plan and feel free to contact me anytime. jojo x
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Thank jojo,
Been back to the hospital today to discuss the treatment plan...
I will be starting chemotherapy on the 15th Sep and having it every 3 weeks for a total of 8 cycles, AC x 4 and Taxol x 4.
Then once that's finished i have to do radiotherapy 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Then will be on hormone therapy tablets for 5 years after that....gonna be a long haul but will come out the other end all cured :0)
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Thank jojo,
Been back to the hospital today to discuss the treatment plan...
I will be starting chemotherapy on the 15th Sep and having it every 3 weeks for a total of 8 cycles, AC x 4 and Taxol x 4.
Then once that's finished i have to do radiotherapy 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Then will be on hormone therapy tablets for 5 years after that....gonna be a long haul but will come out the other end all cured :0)