Just diagnosed - 22 years old

PrincessMag Member Posts: 3
edited September 2016 in Newly diagnosed

Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with invasive ductal cancer on June 20th 2016. I also know it is triple negative?

I have to have some more biopsy'sand a bone scan to see if I need chemo first or surgery then chemo.

My breast care nurse told me I'll be having the strongest chemo and probably having treatment for 8+ months.


I am really scared about chemo. And also bout losing my hair :( i have long blonde hair that I love and I feel like I'll be ugly to my boyfriend once i start treatment although he has been so supportive.


Id love any advice you have on wigs in Victoria and any tips for chemo 


Also is there anyone else around my age?






  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited June 2016

    Hi Maggie welcome of course your scared what a shock for you. Yes chemo is hard actually any treatment is hard and we all have different reactions to the drugs.Make contact with your breast care nurse they have a wealth of information and you can order my journey kit from this site.

    There is a young womens group that might be good for you to connect with younger women. There is a lot of people on this site at different stages of treatment to help you.

    Wigs it depends where you live, there are places in the city I'm from the west and I went to a hairdresser who is set up for this. 

    Sending you a big hug it is a long trip but you will get there.

    PS ask your breast care nurse about the look good feel better program worth doing, take care

  • Leila34
    Leila34 Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2016

    Hi Maggie, i'm so sorry that you have to go through this :( I have also just been diagnosed (24th June) and I am finding it all quite overwhelming. I am 34, so not as young as yourself, but still quite a shock for my age (no family history). I don't have much in the way of advice, but wish you all the best with your treatment. <3

    Leila xx



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    edited June 2016

    Hello Maggie - sorry that you've had to join us but welcome to the site which is a wealth of information.  Please don't stress too much about your hair. It is a natural reaction to worry yourself however, depending on course of surgery and treatment that may not happen for sometime.  Just take it all one step at a time.  There are lots of choices involved when it comes to wigs and scarves if your treatment has meant hair loss.

    Once you get through some of your treatment talk to your Breast care Nurse about the Look Good, Feel Better program http://lgfb.org.au/&nbsp; this will give you the tools and confidence on wigs and scarves and make-up and generally how to feel better during this journey.

    Take care, sending you a virtual hug

    Christine xx 

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited June 2016

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I too loved my hair but I learned to adjust once it had gone. I didn't try to hide it at home but wore a cap when I went out as without hair your head does get quite cold. My husband and kids got used to my lack of hair and one son had this habit of rubbing my bald pate as a symbol  of love and I would say make a wish lol. My husband was horrified at this but in the end as the hair has been growing back a little and its so soft like a babies hair, he too has taken to giving it a stroke now and then. Its temporary and you must realise it and embrace the new temporary you. You'll be fine.

  • Ali_h78
    Ali_h78 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2016

    Hi Maggie

    im sorry that you're going through this. I'm newly diagnosed too, and am upset at the prospect of losing my long hair. I'm 38.

    Which part of Victoria are you in? Melbourne or regional? I'm in Geelong and have found some good resources so far. 


  • suzieq
    suzieq Member Posts: 332
    edited June 2016

    Welcome Maggie.  Initial diagnosis is hard to cope with.  You have come to the right place.  We have all been through cancer diagnosis here and each of us have a journey to tell.  Yours is just beginning but know that each treatment you have will help you survive and beat this and live a long and happy life.  You are surrounded by women here who know and understand what you are going through.  When I lost my hair it actually grew back thicker and better.  Wigs these days are brilliant and have the benefit of "no more bad hair days".  I ordered 2 wigs as close as possible to my own hairstyle.  The obvious benefit being if I ran into someone in the street I knew I didn't need to have to explain anything.  I just felt normal and that was important for me as I didn't want to live it 24/7.

    Good luck, be guided by your specialist team, ask for copies of all your tests including pathology results.  Ask questions and get explanations so you don't feel as if everything is out of your hands and going on around you without you.  Suex

  • PrincessMag
    PrincessMag Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2016

    I'm in ballarat but happy to travel to melbourne or geelong if you have any recommendations :)

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    edited June 2016

    Hi again when it comes to wigs there is a place in Footscray which if you go through the Look Good Feel Better program you will meet Lydia if you do your program day around that area

  • Lindyloo
    Lindyloo Member Posts: 146
    edited June 2016

    You have joined a great network. Plenty of people on here to give advise and support along the way. 

    Regarding your hair, I can understand how you feel, I thought the same at the beginning. However , I was glad to shave it off when it began to fall out (in your dinner, on the floor etc!??) I actually felt it was less of a burden to put on my scarves rather than have to wash, style and dry my hair each morning.

    dont hesitate if you want to vent and let off steam. Even though all our treatments and symptoms are different (we are all unique in that respect), someone will be able to help you.

    when I had my treatment, 6 lots of chemo, Mastectomy and radiation, I concentrated on one section at a time, ie chemo. Don't look too far ahead.

     Let us know how you go.

    Linda xx


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited June 2016

    Welcome Maggie. I think we all stressed about the hair loss even more than the impact on our breasts. I fully intended on wearing a wig but opted in the end on scarves and hats. Once my hair started to fall I was glad to shave it off rather than dealing with that stress. I focus now when going out on my makeup and hats and find I feel pretty good mostly. But there are many wig options and I think a longer hair one would be simple to match. (Mine was short and never sat like my own hair) You will also need a couple of sleep caps and I bought a bamboo wig liner which is fab under a wig but really good under some wooly hats which can be itchy. Just Google chemo hats Aust...and lots of sites will come up. Some even have start up packages. Good luck on your journey. Kath x

  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited June 2016

    Hi Maggie sorry for your diagnosis. I know how much of a shock it is to get the news your have breast cancer. Just take it one day at a time.

    I did worry about losing my long naturally red hair, but I cut it to shoulder length beforehand so I could get used to it, then cut it  short and finally shaved it off. Surprisingly my husband really loved my bald head.

    There are places you can donate long hair so it can be turned into wigs for children with hair loss. I think the Variety Club accepts long hair. Someone like to do this as it makes them feel better to donate it rather than just losing it to treatment.

    I bought a wig but never wore it. I also used scarves, but in the end I just rocked the bald look. I really got into it and wore a lot of makeup with my bald head. It made me feel badass.

    I was surprised at how quickly it has grown back after treatment finished.

    There are wonderful wigs and scarves around and it won't be gone forever.  You can always get your boyfriend to shave his too. 

    Take care and all the best, Nadine.


  • Scared Mum
    Scared Mum Member Posts: 169
    edited June 2016

    HI Maggie,

    I am a mum of a 21yr with triple neg bc  who is still nearly finished treatment its a long road,  take one appointment at a time and breath just breath... :) 

    Nat stressed more about loosing her hair than anything the docs threw at her lol it has been six months of chemo and radiation and all her hair including her leg hair (dam it one bit we wish didn't come back lol) is growing back quite fast.

    Her tip to you was buy hats and beanies, wigs are hot and scratchy.  Any way I know there is a group on here for young women but there is also one on facebook that she talks on regularly its a private group only for young women with cancer NOBODY else can see what you write in there, she gave me the link for you. 


    Big hugs for you 

    Ask any questions you think of in here and someone will be able to help you xxx

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited June 2016

    hi I went to Lydia very happy


  • Ali_h78
    Ali_h78 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2016

    I found Angel Wigs online - http://angelwigs.com.au/

    I think they are quite expensive (made from human hair, so you can colour and style them like you would your own hair) but they look very realistic.

    Do the Look Good Feel Better programs run in Ballarat?

    I am seeing my Oncologist tomorrow, to find out when I can start chemo. All I've been thinking about is my hair!!!

  • Ali_h78
    Ali_h78 Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2016