
Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
edited February 2015 in Health and wellbeing

Not sure who is motivating who here. This was my early morning  'hill walk' yesterday with some surprise exercise 'buddies' - my parents. I think exercising in nature helps me mentally as well as physically. Exercising with family and friends can really help you to reach your goals!

Tomorrow is a hike in a local, beautiful National Park with my hubby and a couple of our good friends. It does not seem like exercise when there are beautiful things to see and great company to enjoy along the way.

These are the things I dreamt of doing while I was going through treatment. Now I am out there making it happen and enjoying every minute of it. You can get there too, one step at a time! :) Deanne xxx


  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited March 2015

    Look at you!  What a long way you have come - this is serious training.  Enjoyed seeing your clothes for the trek too.  Lovely to have your parents with you, as well as your husband.  You must all be so fit - congratulations!  Not long now till you go to Base Camp...   Michelle xx


  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited March 2015

    Look at you!  What a long way you have come - this is serious training.  Enjoyed seeing your clothes for the trek too.  Lovely to have your parents with you, as well as your husband.  You must all be so fit - congratulations!  Not long now till you go to Base Camp...   Michelle xx


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    Go you!! Have been a bit slack these last few days as I am recovering from day Surg and it's just soooooo hot here at the moment. Back to work tomorrow and back to building up to my 10000 steps.
    That looks like a glorious place to walk. Bet it's hard going on the way up. Although the elevation will really help your preparation.
    Take care.
    Paula x
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    Thanks for the positive words of encouragement, Robyn. I hope that if I can turn my life around like this (I was one of the kids at high school who would hide in the toilets when it was time for my race on sports day!) that it might encourage others to do whatever it is that might give them a better sense of achievement or better quality of life after they get through treatment.

    Don't worry I am VERY cautious about pacing myself and I will be extremely careful over there too. The other day I was reading someone else's blog about their experience of the Everest trek and they managed to fall over twice on the first day of the trek!! They spent the entire trek with a split lip and two very bruised knees! I will be watching where I put each foot and will be stopping if I want to look around at what I am sure will be the most amazing views. Talking with a guy who has been there the other day, his comment was, "you will never feel so small!" I cannot begin to imagine the scale of those mountains! It will be a very humbling experience! :) Deanne xxx
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    Hi Paula,
    Hope you are all recovered. It must be great to have that last step done!

    It is so hard with the heat! The other morning the humidity was close to 100% and I was just dripping after the first 3 minutes! It's a real test for the deodorant! Today we hiked up and down (655m in elevation overall) for just over 12km. Could hardly wait for the shower when I got home and cannot imagine what we will smell like after a few days of no shower on the trek! :)
  • Steph Fletcher
    Steph Fletcher Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2015

    I love this post Deanne, and absolutely agree - connecting with nature and sharing the experience with a friend or family member is so special. Glad you are enjoying the training, and sharing the experience with the Get active and keep well group.

    X Steph

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Steph. I'm very fortunate to have found something that has reignited my spirit and brought my family and friends together for a good reason this time!
    :) Deanne xxx
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    I am doing well thanks.
    Never thought of the no shower on the trek. Hopefully you will all smell so you won't notice it.
    Am sure it will be well worth it.
    Paula x
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    Best wishes for your surgery. Hope it goes really well for you.

    Don't worry I am not putting any weight on, just needing to eat more to maintain my current weight! I also run out of energy if I don't have a few more healthy snacks while I am out walking for extended times. It just feels so weird to have to think about eating extra when I have spent my whole life trying to eat less!!

    Apparently most people lose weight (average of 5 kg) on the trek because you lose your appetite at high altitudes and expend so much energy getting yourself there.

    Thanks for your encouragement. Xox Deanne :)
  • Janet A
    Janet A Member Posts: 281
    edited March 2015
    Wow you go Deanne! Been so hot in Brisbane so you are so motivated!

    Janet x