Mild anxiety

I went to see councillor to see how i am trveling with everything, she told me i hve mild anxiety which i guess doesn't surprise me. I am finding that as the days go by i am retreating into my shell and not wanting to go out. I have had two surgeries for a lump and clearing of a margin, all good news which makes me more confused as to why i feel anxious still?
I am waiting to hear about appointments for radiation which will be 1000 ks away in brisbane. I have an appointment this morning with oncologist. This is still scary to me so i guess how do others cope with this. Financially i am finding it tough with not working at the moment and having to travel far for treatment.
Going off hrt hasn't helped, crashed there, i m exercising and doing all those good things but i still feel terrible at times. I know there are worse off than me and really need to pull myself together! I am hving terrible menopause symptoms that has been the hard part controlling my emotions whilst i am not allowed to take any vitamins. Any suggestions gratefully received.
Cheers, Janet
It must be very difficult for people like yourself who have to take time off work and travel so far for treatment. It is hard enough dealing with a BC diagnosis without these additional issues. Leaving your home and presumably your personal support network of friends and family and your normal routine of work and living must be very hard. So don't feel that you should just be able to pull yourself together and cope with all this.
In saying that though you do deserve to feel as good as possible so getting assistance at this time is a really good idea. The cancer council is brilliant for counseling and also for financial assistance info. You may be eligible for assistance with travel and living away from home while undergoing your radio treatment.
I think it helps to let others help out and recognize that this is a tough time for you. Acknowledge to yourself that you are doing very well considering. Being diagnosed with BC is not easy and letting others give you some support (and realizing that you deserve this and would probably be the first to help someone else in the same situation) will make it easier for you. Keep in contact with the ladies on here, especially while you are more isolated during treatment. It really does help. Wishing you well with radiotherapy. Take care. Deanne xxx0 -
It must be very difficult for people like yourself who have to take time off work and travel so far for treatment. It is hard enough dealing with a BC diagnosis without these additional issues. Leaving your home and presumably your personal support network of friends and family and your normal routine of work and living must be very hard. So don't feel that you should just be able to pull yourself together and cope with all this.
In saying that though you do deserve to feel as good as possible so getting assistance at this time is a really good idea. The cancer council is brilliant for counseling and also for financial assistance info. You may be eligible for assistance with travel and living away from home while undergoing your radio treatment.
I think it helps to let others help out and recognize that this is a tough time for you. Acknowledge to yourself that you are doing very well considering. Being diagnosed with BC is not easy and letting others give you some support (and realizing that you deserve this and would probably be the first to help someone else in the same situation) will make it easier for you. Keep in contact with the ladies on here, especially while you are more isolated during treatment. It really does help. Wishing you well with radiotherapy. Take care. Deanne xxx0 -
When I complained to my Oncoologist about the horrid hot flushes, and said removal of ovaries and going straight onto Arimidex was all too much for my body to handle, she said "you probably would have had a hard time with menopause when you got there naturally anyway". And that was that.
My GP has put me onto a very mild anti depression, this has not stopped my hot flushes completely but certainly has made them less intense and less frequent and bearable.
I don't think they make my mood any better, but if they do I am more than happy to keep taking this one little white tablet a day.
I am 12 months down the track and the roller coaster keeps going.
All the best with your future treatment.
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Well congratulations on having only mild anxiety: that is an achievement or a strength right there. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't have anxiety with bc: so give yourself permission to have it, and thankfully in my experience it does move on and get better and then comes back and so on. I forget my prognosis percentage but a year later I'm mostly in the positive space but also its ok when I find myself in the life threatening -uncertainty part of the picture. i agree with above posts about helpful things but also it takes time to adjust to this and I can relate to wanting to 'bunker down' too.0
just to say that all is very normal regarding anxiety, horrible menopause , moods swings , pains and aches etc... Also don't waste precious time thinking about how there are others worse than you. We are all different and we must all deal with it in our own way. Don't push yourself, don't rush or go crazy on dieting etc... I will be 2 years next February , and one does learn to move on, but every 3 to 6 months check -ups will bring on the anxiety ., as it will be the reminder of your bc. I am not an artist, but like you I do love painting , and I keep active with gardening, walking , game playing and the computer.
Make everyday count and make the most , but on your down days, just give yourself permission to relax and accept that it is all part of having bc. Life will never be as before, but in time you will get used to the NEW NORMAL , and find that it can be quite good !! I find that I no longer worry as I used to about things in general ,and that is a bonus . LIFE GOES ON !!
Best wishes from one of your BCNA sister ,
Finita xxxxxxxxxxxx
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just to say that all is very normal regarding anxiety, horrible menopause , moods swings , pains and aches etc... Also don't waste precious time thinking about how there are others worse than you. We are all different and we must all deal with it in our own way. Don't push yourself, don't rush or go crazy on dieting etc... I will be 2 years next February , and one does learn to move on, but every 3 to 6 months check -ups will bring on the anxiety ., as it will be the reminder of your bc. I am not an artist, but like you I do love painting , and I keep active with gardening, walking , game playing and the computer.
Make everyday count and make the most , but on your down days, just give yourself permission to relax and accept that it is all part of having bc. Life will never be as before, but in time you will get used to the NEW NORMAL , and find that it can be quite good !! I find that I no longer worry as I used to about things in general ,and that is a bonus . LIFE GOES ON !!
Best wishes from one of your BCNA sister ,
Finita xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Thanks Finita, encouraging words thank you. Next week will be full on, fly to brisbane on Monday, appointment with radio therapy Tuesday, fly back home Wednesday, appointment with oncologist Friday, decisions on chemo. Talk about being thrown in!
So pleased for being able to seek advice on this site. Janet xx
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Hi Janet,
I hope that all is going well with you regarding appoinments and decisions on chemo etc...
take good care
with all my love
Finita xxxxxx
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Hi Finita,
Thanks for your good wishes. Such a huge week of decisions to make. Trip to Brisbane then back to Mackay in one week for appointments with radio oncologist and medical oncologist. I have decided to do both treatments, happy that I can do chemo here. Not totally happy about doing chemo as i thought i didn't need to initially, but they say I am young and fit. My er receptor is weak at 10% and a grade 2 tumor so i am prepared to throw everything at it. Now I am to make a decision on cutting my hair which is long at past my waist and said by others as my crowning glory! Wish these things could just be cut and dry and not emotional. I did call my hairdresser straight after my appointment to ask her if she would cut, she got upset! I would like to donate it for wigs so someone else can get benefit from it. I know it will grow back!
In the meantime I await a call from the chemo nurses to find out when i can start. I have been trying to keep myself busy and yesterday in this tropical heat and my hot flushes i forced myself out of the house and took a drive south to a beautiful little cane cutters cottage I wanted to photograph and draw, whilst I was there the farmer stopped for a chat, I found out its history and met a nice local too. Queensland hospitality is a beautiful thing. On the way back I stopped outside the local hotel where i saw this old fella sitting outside, I asked him if I could photograph him, sitting down to chat I found out his history which was so interesting. I intend drawing and writing about him and other characters around this area, there are so many cultures living here! I am trying to keep my treatment as part 2 of my life, my art hopefully will dominate through my treatment. That's the plan anyway!
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Hi Finita,
Thanks for your good wishes. Such a huge week of decisions to make. Trip to Brisbane then back to Mackay in one week for appointments with radio oncologist and medical oncologist. I have decided to do both treatments, happy that I can do chemo here. Not totally happy about doing chemo as i thought i didn't need to initially, but they say I am young and fit. My er receptor is weak at 10% and a grade 2 tumor so i am prepared to throw everything at it. Now I am to make a decision on cutting my hair which is long at past my waist and said by others as my crowning glory! Wish these things could just be cut and dry and not emotional. I did call my hairdresser straight after my appointment to ask her if she would cut, she got upset! I would like to donate it for wigs so someone else can get benefit from it. I know it will grow back!
In the meantime I await a call from the chemo nurses to find out when i can start. I have been trying to keep myself busy and yesterday in this tropical heat and my hot flushes i forced myself out of the house and took a drive south to a beautiful little cane cutters cottage I wanted to photograph and draw, whilst I was there the farmer stopped for a chat, I found out its history and met a nice local too. Queensland hospitality is a beautiful thing. On the way back I stopped outside the local hotel where i saw this old fella sitting outside, I asked him if I could photograph him, sitting down to chat I found out his history which was so interesting. I intend drawing and writing about him and other characters around this area, there are so many cultures living here! I am trying to keep my treatment as part 2 of my life, my art hopefully will dominate through my treatment. That's the plan anyway!
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Hi Finita,
Thanks for your good wishes. Such a huge week of decisions to make. Trip to Brisbane then back to Mackay in one week for appointments with radio oncologist and medical oncologist. I have decided to do both treatments, happy that I can do chemo here. Not totally happy about doing chemo as i thought i didn't need to initially, but they say I am young and fit. My er receptor is weak at 10% and a grade 2 tumor so i am prepared to throw everything at it. Now I am to make a decision on cutting my hair which is long at past my waist and said by others as my crowning glory! Wish these things could just be cut and dry and not emotional. I did call my hairdresser straight after my appointment to ask her if she would cut, she got upset! I would like to donate it for wigs so someone else can get benefit from it. I know it will grow back!
In the meantime I await a call from the chemo nurses to find out when i can start. I have been trying to keep myself busy and yesterday in this tropical heat and my hot flushes i forced myself out of the house and took a drive south to a beautiful little cane cutters cottage I wanted to photograph and draw, whilst I was there the farmer stopped for a chat, I found out its history and met a nice local too. Queensland hospitality is a beautiful thing. On the way back I stopped outside the local hotel where i saw this old fella sitting outside, I asked him if I could photograph him, sitting down to chat I found out his history which was so interesting. I intend drawing and writing about him and other characters around this area, there are so many cultures living here! I am trying to keep my treatment as part 2 of my life, my art hopefully will dominate through my treatment. That's the plan anyway!
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Hi Janet,
I am happy to hear form you , although I must say that I am sorry about your hair, but ,your great and positive attitude goes a long way, and you are so right...your hair will grow back ! What a beuatiful thing to do ...donating your hair . God Bless You xxxxx
Hot horrid!! I usually sweat like crazy and somtimes I wake up in the middle of the night soaked to my bones ... but, as we must remain positive and strong, I usually get up and change my pj's and all is better after that ...hahahah!!!
About your drive to the cane cutter's cottage, how truly fantastic and meeting a local, and wanting to paint and write are so fortunate to be so try keeping it all up regardless of your treatment etc... there will be days when you just wont be able to, but do not despair as all will pass eventually. Chemo and Radio, will be taking its toll on your energy level, so whatever you do , don't push yourself , just do little on your worst days , and always remember to remind yourself, that it is the treatment . Try to understand it , and learn to come to tems with it all, and that should help you a great deal. I am a very energetic person, and slowing down was not my thing, but as the fatigue was forced upon me , the sooner I understood what was happening ,the better I became at just taking one step at a time . You will understand when it starts and only you can really help yourself.
Good luck and remember that I am here for you if you should need to talk !
Take good care and all the vey best
with all my love
finita xxxxx
P:S: I just wanted to tell you that I am also painting a country landscape with a cottage in it . I wonder... will it be the cutter's cottage ??? hahahaha!!
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Hi Finita,
The chemo nurses called me yesterday, they had a cancellation I start on Thursday! I called my hairdresser and cut off my hair! It was actually fun to do plus its so hot up here it feels cooler! I think my hairdresser was a bit upset and didn't want to charge me, she is the best.
I'm nervous about tomorrow I won't lie, reading too much about side affects i think. Thanks for your reply your advice is valuable and will refer to it. I will try and stay motivated with my drawing and writing. I would love to see your cottage, how funny hey. I have strangely found things falling neatly into place like all this is meant to happen for some bizarre reason. I can only feel i will be fine.
Maybe we can look at each others paintings might be therapeutic for both of us?
Much love Finita, have a great day xxx
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Hi Janet,
what a darling your hairdresser, and I am happy that you feel cooler . I am also happy that you are starting tomorrow and that is more waiting !!
We will get to see each others paintings in the future... it will be wonderful.
Never let go of your positive way of thinking !!!
take care
with all my love
Finita xxxxxxxxxxx
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Hi Janet, How are you , it has been a while since our last contact. how is your treatment going ?? I hope that all is going as well as can be expected .
I saw my oncologist last Monday week, and I will be having my bilateral mammogram/ultrasounds and bonedensity tests done 3rd of March., and one cannot help but feeling anxious, nervous and that inner fear that doesn't lety ou sleep. Still, I am trying to keep busy and not think about it, and painting is helping as well as gardening and walking.
Janet , do let me know how you are doing ,
a big hug , with all my love,
finita xxxxxxxxxxxx