Normality returns 18 months on

My life is back to 'normal' (nearly) 18 months after first diagnosis.Mastectomy, chemo, radio, herceptin.
I had last year off work (sick leave and income protection kept me going) but returned to full time work at the start of this year, so 6 months back to long hours and big demands!
BUT I love my job and have enjoyed being back. My 3 weekly herceptin IV treatments finished about a month or so ago.
Since then I feel my fingernails are stronger but other than that there seemed to be no side effects with that drug. At the end of the second school term I took the wig off for the last time!
I had my hair styled and some streaks added and feel liberated. It had been growing at different rates and was not long enough on top for me to feel comfortable at work until this point.
So 3 months of scarves last year and then 12 months of my wig which I actually really liked but was very ready to get rid of!
Now I am just waiting for the very tips of the nails on my big toes to grow out so there's no more dead nail left - slowly but surely!
I have not had a reconstruction and do not intend to at this stage but that is not a definite 'never'. I have talked to many people who have, and heard a variety of stories. For the moment I do not see the need to put my body through more trauma and multiple surgeries - on my 'good' breast too, to make it perky! Happy to be a dromedary with my not so perky breast.
I feel like the chapters are complete and the book can be closed. I hope I don't have to write much more but will revisit every now and then. I am a very positive person and live in the now enjoying whatever time I have with family and friends. I try to eat reasonably well and exercise daily. Love Laugh and Live....
My profile photo was taken just days after diagnosis 18 months ago. These photos here were taken on Saturday night when we celebrated the end of my treatment. Feelin' good!
Good to hear from you, and that you are doing so well. I always think that positive stories like yours help our newcomers over the diagnosis period when the tunnel seems very long and very dark. It is good to hear that there is light at the end! You are looking wonderful! Keep enjoying your life to the full!
Michelle R xx
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Thanks, Michelle.0
Go the dromedaries! Haha0
Go the dromedaries! Haha0
Hi Erica
You look fabulous, you really shows - life is so beautiful. You were in the same path and now is over, and I am looking forward to be like you.
Thanks so much you keep sharing and cheer us up.
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Thanks, Hazel. You too!!
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All the best for your journey too, Rosanna.