Follow up Appointments

Hello Ladies,
yesterday I had my 6 monthly appointment with my Breast Specialist, I am 18 months post surgery 12 months post chemo and honestly little to worry about.
Well, I got myself so worked up, it just sort of crept up on me. I hadn't told anyone that my appointment was coming up as I felt I had to just deal with it but come Monday morning I was just a big bundle or nerves, thank goodness my appointment was early I don't know how I would have managed through the day.
Anyway by the time I walked into her consulting room I was so nervous and having one hot flush after another, interesting as I was obviously bringing them on.
Anyway everything went well, no issues a very straight forward visit and come back in 6 months and have a mammogram before you come thank-you.
My thoughts are, how long will I feel like this, will a visit to her always strike terror in my heart? My complication is that as well as BC I had Renal cancer so I visit the Urologist every 6 months too for similar type check-up, I have the same reaction to that visit.
I was thinking that as time went on my reactions would lessen, that is yet to happen.
I am wondering how you other ladies deal with these follow-up appointments.
I think check-up jitters will be a part of our life now - I still get them too - and the relief of an all-clear report can't be described until you have been there. So glad everything went well for you. Is your renal check-up soon, or do they stagger them? It would be nice to have a break in between! Stay well, Michelle x
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My appointments are staggered, though sometimes the Oncologist and Urologist coordinate tests so that I don't have to have too many. Its great that they will work together as I have a great dislike for needles these days, also the liquid you need to drink for scans has an issue with being flushed from my system with only 1 kidney.
Interesting when we are going through all the surgeries and treatments you are just looking for the end, for it to be finally over. I have come to realise that its never really over is it...........................
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My appointments are staggered, though sometimes the Oncologist and Urologist coordinate tests so that I don't have to have too many. Its great that they will work together as I have a great dislike for needles these days, also the liquid you need to drink for scans has an issue with being flushed from my system with only 1 kidney.
Interesting when we are going through all the surgeries and treatments you are just looking for the end, for it to be finally over. I have come to realise that its never really over is it...........................
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Great to hear all going well Donna. Just wondering what kind of check up they do, questions and a hand breast check or is it a bit more involved? A manogram every 6 mths? Have not got here yet, got my last chemo to go in June, but have wondered this.
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That's great news and so happy for you that all is going well. I think check ups and feeling anxious will always be part of our lives as others have said but it will get easier. I have been told about the beneifts of either meditation or Tai Chi at the hospital for calming and relaxing the body and mind. I might just sign up. lol
Take Care
Ronnie xx
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Glad you got the all clear.I think we'll always be abit jittery before a checkup but it does get less over time.I just had my 4 year mammo and checkup(11yrs if you count the first bc)and I wasn't too anxious this time.I think morning appointments might suit us better cos you don't worry all day.I also have my mammo about 2 or 3 days before I see my surgeon so if I see any nasties,I haven't got long to wait.I schedule myself to be really busy the day before tests/checkups and find that I am getting better at not thinking about it.But we are only human and it's normal to be anxious so perhaps we just need to accept it -like I am trying to do about root canal with the dentist tomorrow!! I would gladly have 2 mammograms instead! Tonya xx
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I'm glad the news was good for you.It must be stressful for you when you also have to add in your renal problem. I am due to have a m/gram and u/sound in July, then see the surgeon soon after. I'm already a little nervous, no doubt this will build as the time draws nearer. I was wondering, all the focus will be on my left breast which was the one with cancer, when do they start to check the right one? I was told that I wouldn't be back to breastscreen for 5 years, does the hospital eventually do check ups on both breasts in those 5 years? I hope your good news continues, take care,
Hazel xx
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I think you'll find that both your breasts will have a mammogram and ultrasound every year.Good luck for July- the first mammo/checkup after bc is always a hard one. Tonya xx0
I feel with you, but I'm glad you had good news. I went for my petermac app today arrived to early so had a coffee, left my phone at home along with my glasses and my brain, so just had to sit, bc is always going to be part of us isn't it , my radio oncologist said she thinks it as a badge of honour to be part of an illustrious group. Ha ha that's a different way to look at it. Love and hugs to you adean0