Just diagnosed

Hi Everyone,
I am new to this.... breast cancer and posting!
Having read other posts it has encouraged me to do this and reach out to others, and maybe even be able to help others.
I was diagnosed with early breast cancer on the 12th March 2014, I had a mastecotomy on the 25th March and am now about to go down the path of chemotherapy, FEC 100 for 6 cycles and hormones as well.
It has all happened very quickly and still reeling from it, but there are a lot of positives, caught early, no lymph nodes involved and had clear boundaries. The hardest thing for me is I lost my partner almost 12 months ago and trying to deal with this without him is sooo hard.
I am lucky to have a wonderful group of family and friends, but not having my special rock is terrifying, he was always there for me, no matter what.
Wishing everyone the very best with their own journeys.
Hi Annie88 I am new to this as well. I have been so appreciative of the contact and shared stories of other women going through their cancer journeys; it has helped bring me some peace, a few giggles and strength. I am seeing the oncologist in a few days so will find out the what, when and where of my next stage of treatment. Good luck with your chemo
Cheers MLE59
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Thanks MLE59. The waiting to find out what, when and where is hard, keep your chin up and hope all goes well for you.
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Welcome to the online network.This place is truly the best for support and advice,as you navigate your way through the BC journey.I very sorry to hear of the loss of your partner.You will get through this though, and my advice to you at the moment is 'one day at a time'Try not to get too far ahead in your mind, as it is usually not the way it will be.Stay on here for support, as there is someone on here to talk to, even at 3 or 4 in the morning!Remember that BC is very treatable these days.I finished chemo at Xmas,and now take Tamoxifen.I feel pretty darn good!!!!
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first let me give you a huge hug for the loss of your partner. Im sure he is there with you each step giving you the love and strength you need xxxx
Secondly, you can do this xx Its all so scary and confusing and so daunting at times. Thats when i would log in here to get that extra boost I needed to get me through the next step.
The girls here are wonderful, amazing and give you cyber hugs when things get tough. I for one didnt think i would get through. I was an absolute mess and couldnt function but the girls here knew I had it in me and got me through.
I had a lumpectomy, Mastectomy and full axillary clearance. Then i had FEC and Taxol. I finished Chemo nearly 7 weeks ago and now in the middle of radiation.
Im getting stronger every day. My onc is really impressed with me as I also worked full time the whole way through. To me I had to keep my life as normal as I could or I would fall in a deep dark hole and never get out xxx
Where abouts are you located? Maybe one of of is close to you and could meet for a cuppa? xxx
Thinking of you.
Jodie xxx
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Having the messages from those like yourself have already made me feel more positive, and yes I do believe my partner is watching over me. I am in country WA, Esperance to be exact, a beautiful part of the state. I also hope to continue workining, so knowing it can be done gives me more confidence about that. Was it that you didn't have too many side affects from the chemo, or were you just so brave and strong that you still kept going??? Hope all continues to go well for you look forward to hearing how you get on. Lots of hugs to you too xx
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Good morning Jodie,
Your note is really encouraging, thanks. Have had a poke around on the internet for stats on side afffects and what I found there wasn't all bad either. And yes I realise everyone is going to be different, but I also think attitude is a part of it too.
Crazy as it seems, I was really pleased with myself last night, having been able to mop my floors with the steam mop... the first time for a month since having my mastectomy. Oh dear, bit sad when that is your buzz for the day!!!
Busy day ahead with catching up with oncology nurse, work, picking a friend up from the airport, and whatever else I can find to get up to.
Take care and thank you again, you already feel like an old friend. xxx
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Welcome to the site, as youa re finding there are many lovely ladies on here all with our own stories but more improtantly all willing to provide that much needed support.
Everyone is at different stages and some of us are lucky enough to be out of the treatment cycle now.
So we are here to show you that it is treatable and that whilst sometimes you wonder how you will get through it all you do and life is different but its all doable.
I am so sorry about the lose of your partner, that is terrible and to do it without your rock is hard. So sending you big hugs.
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Cyber hugs to you Jodie! Sounds like you are on track to a fab year....Jen x
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Thank you, this is all so supportive and really does make me feel better. I just hope I can be helpful to others and you have been to me. Glad you have finished your treatment and hope all goes well with you in the future. x
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Hope all went well with your oncologist today. I have just heard my chemo starts 5th at 9am, so that will be one down and only five to go, the count down has almost begun.
Take care x
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Thanks for your thoughts and hugs for next week, not looking forward to it, and yes naturally scared, but trying to look at it as one down and only 5 more after that.
How long is it since your op....for me it is five weeks today. I have to confess I have been a bit disappointed with how long it seems to be taking to heal. On the other hand have been lucky, no complication apart from having some fluid taken out a week or so after drain was removed. I know it is major surgery, but for some reason I thought about three weeks and would be fairly normal again, but still very tender and by the end of the day I seem to run out of puff. I still haven't been able to speak with anyone that can really tell me if it is sort of normal or not????????
I have managed to go into work for a few hours each day, and then if need be able to bring it home and finish it off after a bit of a rest. From reading the posts here everyone is different and from what I can work out, you just have to do what works for you.
Take care x
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Hiya Annie,
Wow not long before you start chemo. You will do amazingly. Just take each day as it comes.
My radiation onc appointment went well. He is happy with how it's all going xx
Will be thinking of you on the 5th xx
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Hiya Annie,
Wow not long before you start chemo. You will do amazingly. Just take each day as it comes.
My radiation onc appointment went well. He is happy with how it's all going xx
Will be thinking of you on the 5th xx
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Hi Annie
My diagnosis was five weeks ago and mastectomy four weeks ago tomorrow- my new body shape will be one month old tomorrow
I know what you mean about a mismatch of expectations and realityin ewound healing. Over Easter I popped a stitch whilst stretching my arm above my head - a bit disconcerting being able to look inside the cavity where your breast once was! I was back in hospital overnight and have been on antibiotics for 10 days; the openning is dressed everyday witha thing called aquacell. I really had expected the hole to be closed by now and it still isn't. I am not normally this slow to heal. The surgeon is seeing me tomorrow and I think I may need to have an aspiration of the fluid as well- same as you. I haven't been sore or tender over the scar line at all but have been really sore up near where the muscle ridge is - so sore in fact that I have rubbed some voltaren cream on it which bought some relief - was really careful that I didnt get it near the scar line.
As for the tiredness I am stunned - I had a bilateral hip replacement about 10 years ago and even with a trip to ICU due to blood loss and a low Hb, I did not feel as tired as I do now. I am worried about returning to work next week as I am not sure how I will go. I will ask about flexible working hours but am not holding my breath... we will see. I most definitely run out of puff about 3pm and think 'ok for sure tonight I will have a good sleep' but seems not to be the case. I think the emotional processing that is required to get your head wrapped around everything to do with not only the diagnosis and treatments, but the roller coaster ride and politics of family etc, has a lot to do with the fatigue and is really a normal part of this journey.
Annie how long between your chemo consultation and starting chemo was there - is it a matter of days or weeks?
Cheers for now and thank you for engaging in a chat; it really does help me sort some of this stuff out
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Hi Annie
My diagnosis was five weeks ago and mastectomy four weeks ago tomorrow- my new body shape will be one month old tomorrow
I know what you mean about a mismatch of expectations and realityin ewound healing. Over Easter I popped a stitch whilst stretching my arm above my head - a bit disconcerting being able to look inside the cavity where your breast once was! I was back in hospital overnight and have been on antibiotics for 10 days; the openning is dressed everyday witha thing called aquacell. I really had expected the hole to be closed by now and it still isn't. I am not normally this slow to heal. The surgeon is seeing me tomorrow and I think I may need to have an aspiration of the fluid as well- same as you. I haven't been sore or tender over the scar line at all but have been really sore up near where the muscle ridge is - so sore in fact that I have rubbed some voltaren cream on it which bought some relief - was really careful that I didnt get it near the scar line.
As for the tiredness I am stunned - I had a bilateral hip replacement about 10 years ago and even with a trip to ICU due to blood loss and a low Hb, I did not feel as tired as I do now. I am worried about returning to work next week as I am not sure how I will go. I will ask about flexible working hours but am not holding my breath... we will see. I most definitely run out of puff about 3pm and think 'ok for sure tonight I will have a good sleep' but seems not to be the case. I think the emotional processing that is required to get your head wrapped around everything to do with not only the diagnosis and treatments, but the roller coaster ride and politics of family etc, has a lot to do with the fatigue and is really a normal part of this journey.
Annie how long between your chemo consultation and starting chemo was there - is it a matter of days or weeks?
Cheers for now and thank you for engaging in a chat; it really does help me sort some of this stuff out